collective soul

They grew up about 10 miles from me ~ awesome band. I haven't seen them in concert, but would love to one day.
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I've been a fan of collective soul since 1993

I've seen them play all over the country, and the concert I remember the most was at a ski/snowboarding place in Vermont.
Were so close to the stage we could touch them, and then some younger kids behind us started a mosh pit. It wasn't really a big concert, and the mosh pit thing was not really appropiate for where we were. Well, One of those kids threw a snowball, and hit the drummer right in the forehead. Then the chaos started......The band stopped playing, the bass player, and someone else flew over our heads into the crowd after the kid who threw the snowball. The crowd started to panic, and luckily we were on the front right of the stage, and made it off to the side before we got crushed. I don't know if the drummer caught the snowball thrower, but it was all over the news, and radio later that day. After all the excitement died down, all we could do was laugh.


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