Color of eggs


9 Years
Aug 4, 2010
We have a cuckoo maran that has been laying for over a week and her eggs are medium to large and a very light brown, almost cream color. I am starting to wonder if it might be a Barred Rock instead? I know they look VERY much alike. Is there any distinguishing features that you can tell by looking at her if she is a Brred Rock or Cuckoo Maran? Any suggestions?
i have a cuckoo marans as well. she has been laying for a bit over a week too. so far she lays for 2 days, then takes 2 days off, then lays for 2 days.....anyway, when she starts back up again, her egg has a light brown coating over the color of a BO egg. i had to wash it cuz it had poo on it and then it was a pretty brown (till it dried). and then her next egg is a pretty medium brown.....more on the darker side though....and i bought her from MPC. i wonder if yours has a coating on her eggs like mine does every once in awhile. then again, she just may lay light eggs......
When I had a cuckoo maran hen her eggs were medium brown color. When I recieved her I was wanting the dark dark brown too. I was told she was not a hatchery either.
We have been looking for a nice dark brown egg for years....we are finally down to trying the Welsummer and RIR this year....We have been told that the American Welsummer and Marans do not lay as dark as the European ones. I believe it. But our Welsummers are doing pretty good in that department....the eggs could be just a little darker, but they will do. Today's eggs were covered with little dark specks..yea

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