Color Question for Easter Eggers

EE's are the mutts of the chicken world. I think it is so cool that they are called Easter Egger's because they have different colored eggs. I can't wait for mine to start laying so I can give them to my 7 yo nephew.
EE's are quickly becoming my favorite "type". I am new to chickens but in the pigeon world I raise a type of pigeon that is not purebred. It is called a thief pouter. It is bred for a function (to fly out and seduce your neighboors pouter and bring it back to your house) The EE has a function, to produce green and multicolored eggs. Therefore looks and colors are secondary. Or at least that is my thought.
Thanks everyone. I guess I'll have to make up a color for them, I can't find any websites that shows their particular color combinations.

Thanks for all the kind comments on Douche Bag. I started calling him that because I thought he had brain damage from being almost suffocated on the ride home under all the other chicks. He (then she) got stuck in the feeder and the name stuck. He quickly became our favorite because he was so handsome as a chick.

I think he knows he is good looking.

here is my "i think" blue wheaton ameraucana roo. He is much older now and his neck has more yellow and red than on this picture he is also HUGE for his age now! In this pic he is only like 2 or 3 months old he is now 5 to 6 months old and cocky as ever!

Pretty birds, they both look like the same color to me, and the tail of the other one.

The picture must not show it well, but the one in the background has tail feathers with black, the one in the foreground (& the one behind the tree) have blue.

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