
Talked the husband last night about the possibility of chicks dieing.., he agreed we should get one extra of our two favorite breeds 'just in case.' Me thinks he has a bit of the chick fever, too!!
Hi, I believe I have just had some bad luck with an aggresive flock. We bought three adult chickens from a flock (where 40 birds have been killed because of aggression). We have culled the most aggresive one and separated the last two. One had been hurt pretty bad, but she is SO SWEET. She is my favorite chicken ever. She is an Orpington and so funny and sweet. I want her to go to a good home, but she is easily, easily bullied. She is currently healing up in a kennel in my garage. She looks pretty pathetic, but still sweet and perky as ever. She is an awesome egg layer. I believe she would do alright on her own to someone who could give her some TLC.

The other one is a Red Star. It's not that she is aggressive, just not a good combination with the already bullied and pecked at Orpington. She is a great egg layer.

Both are only a yearish old (told to us by the farmer we bought them from...I'm not chicken expert, but they are great egg layers)! I need two kind hearted people to take them. I refuse to sell them to someone who will not treat them well. I will cull them instead if needed. We are getting 5 new chicks next week.
What kind of place was this? Never heard of 40 birds being killed from aggression... unless they were not feeding them enough, or were raising them as fight birds. Yikes, glad you were able to save a few of the. I hope she lands in a safe place. Will you be doing a home check? I would hate to see her end up in the wrong hands, she sounds sweet!
Talked the husband last night about the possibility of chicks dieing.., he agreed we should get one extra of our two favorite breeds 'just in case.' Me thinks he has a bit of the chick fever, too!!
I am getting chick fever just reading about all the chicks on here! Glad you will be getting extra and hubby is on board! lol
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Yes, we sold Nugget, the Red Star today to a family who had 5 chickens now, 3 older hens. I think she will do well there.

I would like to heal up Cornbread first and then give her to a friend or someone I visit. I am going to be very picky. We are going to keep her for a few more weeks. She laid an egg today which made me excited! I think she is going to heal up fine. Once Nugget (the Red Star) has been moved to her own home, Cornbread will have complete run of the garden to herself. We will work at giving her a way in a couple months when the chicks we are buying go outside. It's weird that chickens can have such personality. But I was really glad to see Lola, the aggresive leg horn, go! She got culled very humanely by a friend of ours, but she was just so mean! I SPRINTED into the garden to save Lola from killing Cornbread. There is a slight chance I am attached to Cornbread... :)
Yes, we sold Nugget, the Red Star today to a family who had 5 chickens now, 3 older hens. I think she will do well there.

I would like to heal up Cornbread first and then give her to a friend or someone I visit. I am going to be very picky. We are going to keep her for a few more weeks. She laid an egg today which made me excited! I think she is going to heal up fine. Once Nugget (the Red Star) has been moved to her own home, Cornbread will have complete run of the garden to herself. We will work at giving her a way in a couple months when the chicks we are buying go outside. It's weird that chickens can have such personality. But I was really glad to see Lola, the aggresive leg horn, go! She got culled very humanely by a friend of ours, but she was just so mean! I SPRINTED into the garden to save Lola from killing Cornbread. There is a slight chance I am attached to Cornbread... :)
Ahhhh, Maybe you could keep Cornbread? She is laying eggs for you, so she must be happy there!

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