
We ended up with 9. There are still a few eggs in the incubator, but not holding out too much hope for more. One that pipped didn't make it out.
Sorry you didn't get more to hatch, but 9 is more than your last try, think on the bright side.

So I know you are wanting roos. Since these can be sexed at hatch, how many roos did you end up with?

ETA: That's what happens when you don't come on for a couple of days and then post something without reading all the way to the end. Congrats on having 33% roos.
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Is some body using ACV on their chicken's water or for FF? Well i have some mothers that I can give, I am doing my own ACV an the mothers keep coming.
Let me know
Well, I have now taken the dividers out of both the coop and the run, and all the old girls seem to be comfortably tolerant of the chicks now. I did catch the chicks trying to get up on the roost with the ladies the other night and they were told in the strongest terms that their place at the moment was still on the floor of the coop and they were NOT welcome on the roost for the night. But all in all at only 6 weeks of age I am pleased with the way things are going.

As soon as I see the chicks eating the pellets I'm feeding the ladies regularly, I will be wanting to get rid of the medicated chick starter I have left over. I stupidly let myself be talked into buying a 50# bag of chick starter (I am pretty sure it was 50# and I probably still have more than half of it left) I couldn't remember how much I used last year, so I let the guy at Elizabeth talk me into buying it. Anyway, whatever I have left over, I will be glad to give to anyone that wants it. Will probably be in a week, they are now pecking at the pellets, just want to make sure they are eating them, not just playing with them. Just PM me and you can have what's left over.

So glad to have the divider out of the coop, it's so much more convenient now.

The chicks didn't seem to mind being out in the snow, but I found out today they don't like rain at all. Have been hiding out in the coop all day, while the ladies don't seem to notice anything unusual at all about the weather, still chasing me around outside wanting to know what I brought them to EAT!!!!
I am glad it is not cold or this storm would be at least four feet!
It is usually recommended not to feed chicks/pullets layer feed until they start laying but maybe you are feeding All Flock or something?
O.K. kiddos. I let momma bird out of the brooder pen today while making an in ground pool for the ducklings in the run. Her sister chased her around for a bit but they all wandered out to free range as if nothing had happened. The next time I went to check on them momma was at the end of the driveway huddled in a ball by the gate. Of course everybody fled back into the barn when this monster storm hit. I just got in from the barn and momma had all but her butt buried in a haystack. I stuck her back in the brooder pen with the babies. Isn't 2 coops enough? Do I now need a 3rd? There are only 11 birds (plus 2 Pekins)
I let the equalizer (the puppy) in the coop to get everyone in line but all he wanted to do was sniff the ducklings butts.
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Wendell- glad you got nine, wish you had more to work with though. Hopefully one of the boys has Abe's looks and a good personality.

Since my brooder was empty I went and ordered some more chicks for delivery this week. :oops:. 25 gold sex link girls are going to arrive this week in addition to the 25 Russian Orloffs. So 50 potential cases of pasty butt to deal with for the next week... :rolleyes: Cuteness will be abounding in my spare bedroom,
Sorry you didn't get more to hatch, but 9 is more than your last try, think on the bright side.

So I know you are wanting roos. Since these can be sexed at hatch, how many roos did you end up with?

ETA: That's what happens when you don't come on for a couple of days and then post something without reading all the way to the end. Congrats on having 33% roos.

Thanks. One of the boys is VERY small
Is some body using ACV on their chicken's water or for FF? Well i have some mothers that I can give, I am doing my own ACV an the mothers keep coming.
Let me know

I am using the Unpasteurized ACV in both the water and to start FF although I haven't had to start new FF since I got the grower bowls going for the younger birds in the coop, if I can figure out a time to get up your way I will happily take some :)
O.K. kiddos. I let momma bird out of the brooder pen today while making an in ground pool for the ducklings in the run. Her sister chased her around for a bit but they all wandered out to free range as if nothing had happened. The next time I went to check on them momma was at the end of the driveway huddled in a ball by the gate. Of course everybody fled back into the barn when this monster storm hit. I just got in from the barn and momma had all but her butt buried in a haystack. I stuck her back in the brooder pen with the babies. Isn't 2 coops enough? Do I now need a 3rd? There are only 11 birds (plus 2 Pekins)
I let the equalizer (the puppy) in the coop to get everyone in line but all he wanted to do was sniff the ducklings butts.

Since they have been separated a while there will be an adjustment period, and usually that starts with some combined free ranging, plus maybe she was just freaked out by the changing weather today. I know my juveniles were anxious last night as the wind picked up quite a bit. Re-integration can sometimes take a while. When my Cochin went broody I just let her hatch in the coop, but my layer flock has contracted quite a bit so there were only 2 other hens with her, and she had no trouble convincing them to keep their distance LOL. Major challenge is the chick can't climb up the ramp yet, so I've helped it in the last 2 nights, and Bob helped it in twice today as rain moved through and he saw Mama huddled over chick out in the yard, getting soaking wet. Glad he's home to keep an eye on them.

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