
I am using the Unpasteurized ACV in both the water and to start FF although I haven't had to start new FF since I got the grower bowls going for the younger birds in the coop, if I can figure out a time to get up your way I will happily take some :)
yes just let me know I have them growing every week.

I still have 21 chicks in my garage (at least they are no longer in the bathtub), and until I ended up with 7 roos, planned to pick up the BCM pair.... as soon as the coop is done.

I just discovered Chocolate Orpingtons - Oh My Gracious, they are beautiful. And even though I have 2 EEs in the brooder, I find myself looking for EEs that are already laying. ANd Colloncas, how cool are they???

I CANNOT GIVE IN TO THIS MADNESS...... LOL. My husband would have a stroke if he knew howmany times a day I have to stifle the urge to buy more fricken chickens!!

Is there a 12 step program? I'm just a noob, but already severely addicted......
I CANNOT GIVE IN TO THIS MADNESS...... LOL. My husband would have a stroke if he knew howmany times a day I have to stifle the urge to buy more fricken chickens!!

Is there a 12 step program? I'm just a noob, but already severely addicted......
Welcome to the madness!

Word of Advice: Do not, under any circumstances, buy an incubator.

I still have 21 chicks in my garage (at least they are no longer in the bathtub), and until I ended up with 7 roos, planned to pick up the BCM pair.... as soon as the coop is done.

I just discovered Chocolate Orpingtons - Oh My Gracious, they are beautiful. And even though I have 2 EEs in the brooder, I find myself looking for EEs that are already laying. ANd Colloncas, how cool are they???

I CANNOT GIVE IN TO THIS MADNESS...... LOL. My husband would have a stroke if he knew howmany times a day I have to stifle the urge to buy more fricken chickens!!

Is there a 12 step program? I'm just a noob, but already severely addicted......
I do not blame you. It is an addiction and the way I got around it was putting more eggs in the bator.

My husband looked at me like this
and then I did this
. And then I told him to get over it because we are going to buy a tractor and then he was like this

And life goes on over here in the mud.
Anyone interested in Silver Laced Wyandottess? I put in an order for 12 chicks with Ideal, and they shipped me 22!! The paperwork says they included the SLW's for warmth. Doesn't say what sex, but their website says they may ship extras males for warmth. We are in the city and can't have roos. I am in the Springs and am willing to meet in pueblo or Denver if needed! Obviously they are free as they were free to us! They are so dang cute!

If you still have some at the time I'm sure chicken fest will be a great place to take them..if there was a girl in the bunch I'd be there in a heartbeat..just have to sort space first..
I do not blame you. It is an addiction and the way I got around it was putting more eggs in the bator.

My husband looked at me like this
and then I did this
. And then I told him to get over it because we are going to buy a tractor and then he was like this

And life goes on over here in the mud.

I hope everyone got some of the lovely and desperately needed rain that has come through the area in the last 48 hours. We got some - not so much to make a lot of mud in the yard, although the driveway is getting there.

My wry necked Silkie appears to be on the road to recovery. We noticed late last week she seemed to have turned a corner, and now her head is up almost all the time, still tipped to one side but getting better every day. She can drink on her own, which is a HUGE improvement.

Discovered one of my turners quit working, so I've been turning eggs by hand until a replacement arrives, hopefully it didn't wreck my chance of hatching the 17 Cream Legbar and 1 Jubilee Orpington eggs that were in there, along with the eggs my Silkies have laid :( I moved the CL and JO eggs into the other incubator and will hope for the best. There are still 18 Silkie eggs in the bad turner, 6 go into the hatcher Friday, and I'll be setting another ~15-18 on Friday evening or Saturday morning. The 4 hens have been laying better this past week, I've gotten 3 eggs 3 times in 5 days.

The two ducklings left for their new home last night, I am very happy about that. They are super cute but as I said earlier, I am not well set up for ducks and have other projects to finish before I think about changing that. Last time I order Hatchery Surprise LOL. All the chicks that were part of that order are coming along very nicely, eating well, minimal pasty butts, really pretty mix. I'm pretty sure the feather footed pale yellow chicks are Light Brahmas, starting to see a couple of black markings on the wings coming through.

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