
I posted this on the FB page, but I guess there is a super cute male turkey (not sure breed) at Twisted Trail in Castle Rock named Moushou that needs a new home.

Minchi-My Mom and some of her friends are volunteering there so if you meet Cindy Valentine or Gina Gerkan, say hello.

I went to Twisted Trail and got turned away on Thursday. They took my name and number, but never called me. Hmmm.
Thinking positive, I guess that means they had enough to show up.
Random question, who has seen the Perdue commercial? I can't quite figure out why they feel it's a big deal that their chickens are fed an "all veggie" diet. I was trying to figure out why this would be important to a potential buyer. "I" certainly don't care that my chickens eat meat! And if I were a vegetarian, well, I wouldn't be eating the chicken anyway. I thought "meat" (bugs, etc) were part of a healthy diet for a chicken.
Random question, who has seen the Perdue commercial? I can't quite figure out why they feel it's a big deal that their chickens are fed an "all veggie" diet. I was trying to figure out why this would be important to a potential buyer. "I" certainly don't care that my chickens eat meat! And if I were a vegetarian, well, I wouldn't be eating the chicken anyway. I thought "meat" (bugs, etc) were part of a healthy diet for a chicken.
I think the mad cow thing a few years back where it was discovered that cattle and sheep were being fed pellets that included ground up remains of other cattle and sheep, which contributed to all sorts of health issues as well as the creepy factor that the animals were forced to be canaballistic made some people conclude that just the act of having meat in the diet was a bad thing for all livestock. Frankly, chickens are omniverous, as are pigs and I agree that bugs, mice and so forth are part of a free ranging chicken's diet. However, I might balk at commercial chicken feed which included meat because it would probably be meat of such poor quality that it couldn't be included in hot dogs or sausages or even dog food. By the time it was considered chicken-worthy it would probably be road-kill...although for all I know, chickens would be perfectly fine eating road kill. Ravens and magpies eat it all the time.
I woke this morning to a genuine surprise - one of the eggs I set two weeks ago yesterday had hatched, and another is pipped. I guess if an egg is meant to hatch it doesn't matter how many rules get broken. This is an egg I picked up from Greathorse two weeks ago, so it was in a carton, transported from Berthoud to Pueblo, and in the turner with no humidity boost through hatch, and still hatched. Another has pipped so I moved the chick and the pipped egg into another incubator quickly fired up with water added and no turner, no idea whether the pipped egg will hatch but I do have a lovely SLW chick just about completely dry :) Hoping the other one does hatch. I plan on slipping the one under a Silkie hen tonight with chicks that just hatched this past Friday. If the other hatches, I will slip them both under.

My Silkie family has been very interesting to watch - this is a group consisting of a cock bird and 4 hens. One went broody just over 4 weeks ago, another a week later, and a third a few days after that. They have shuffled nests three times. The first nest hatched under the third broody a week ago, the second under the first broody Friday. As I was watching them the other day, one had come off a nest to stretch and eat, and the fourth hen raced over and plunked herself down on the eggs. At this point I am not sure how many more eggs they are sitting on, shouldn't be that many since they stop laying as they go broody. I have to try and determine where any eggs that have a chance to hatch are, remove those I know aren't going to, and figure out where the chicks are sleeping at night so I know where to slip the SLW tonight - so far all the hens have participated in chick raising, although one is the primary feeder. She spends the majority of her time taking bits of FF out of the dish and breaking it into tiny pieces for the chicks. I am enjoying the way they behave as a family, all participating in raising the chicks. Fun, fun :)
I posted this on the FB page, but I guess there is a super cute male turkey (not sure breed) at Twisted Trail in Castle Rock named Moushou that needs a new home.

Minchi-My Mom and some of her friends are volunteering there so if you meet Cindy Valentine or Gina Gerkan, say hello.


I will! Been calling stores all morning to see if they have some produce they are tossing that I can bring with me and all I get is "do you have a letter showing your 501 status". Getting trash has never been so difficult.
Random question, who has seen the Perdue commercial? I can't quite figure out why they feel it's a big deal that their chickens are fed an "all veggie" diet. I was trying to figure out why this would be important to a potential buyer. "I" certainly don't care that my chickens eat meat! And if I were a vegetarian, well, I wouldn't be eating the chicken anyway. I thought "meat" (bugs, etc) were part of a healthy diet for a chicken.
Exactly!!! My chickens love to eat moths that die in the duck's pond, and last time I checked, a moth was not a vegetable. On a previous commercial (advertising how their chicken is better, being fed an "all vegetarian" diet) They showed pictures of the chickens. Poor things; they had pale pink combs and very weary eyes.
I guess some people will just have to raise chickens to truly understand them and their diet.
So happy to hear the Black Forest fire is over fifty percent contained! We had a few rain showers yesterday and the day before, so hopefully this have had rain in the Black Forest area too. I hope everyone in the mandatory evac area gets to go home soon. Very nice that some of you in the area are able to help at the local resuces that took in animals displaced by the fire, wish I lived closer!

Pozee love your decriptions of how your Silkie family chips in and takes care of the chicks! It is amazing to watch them in action, they know exactly what to do! Even with their little chicken brains!

Did anyone make it to the Chicken/Rabbit show in Pueblo this weekend? I was there on Friday, and everyone was getting their chickens ready for the show, saw LOTS of cages ready for chickens. Wish I could have gone yesterday too, would have been a great experience as I have never seen a chicken or rabbit show. Hope I can join them one day!

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