
That is funny! We heard how well sports are out here and the school too. Made us think, maybe we could stick around the area for the kids as they get into the school age. But we'd purchase some land and put up a home if we do stay out here :) I really do like it out here though! Thanks for saying hi :)

Welcome to the thread!

Simla......they have a great girls basketball team.... Grrrrr. Our high school, Hanover, used to play them (My daughter plays) before they moved up to either 2A or 3A, I forget. They would cream our teams.
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Ordinance in town says no Roosters. resident, she's 87 and has lived here her whole life, lol
sweet, huh!
Quote: Ah, I wondered if you might be raising your own chickens! Once you get the chicken bug, chicken math kicks in!! Maybe you can borrow one of her roosters from time to time!!!!! LOL
I this morning I had a vender audit scheduled..... I dress up in slacks, nice shoes, and nice shirt, I've got my forms, and I'm ready to go.....

Then I act on a hunch and give them a call to confirm the time.

They say "Oh didn't so and so call you? We can't do it today. We'll have to reschedule. How about on the 5th of July?" Not even! I have that day off! so now it's rescheduled for later in the month.

And now I have to work on the pile of forms and paperwork sitting on my desk that I was going to put off.......


Yesterday I spent an hour or more on the phone (over the course of the whole day) tracking down doctors to sign some prescription refills for Beth. One nurse wanted her to wait 6 weeks for a Dr appointment before signing!!!.....Nope, you can get up off your behind and and walk 20 feet to get the doctor to sign these. We'll make an appointment, but she isn't waiting that long for her meds! "Oh, ok, I'll get her chart", she says. 1 hour later I'm picking up the precriptions at the pharmacy.
Guess you are going to work today after all!!!!!
Awesome! You will have lots of fun. 

For adult chickens, it is generally accepted that you should have at least 4 suqre feet of floor space per chicken in the coop, and at least 10 square feet of run space per chicken as well. However, I have never heard a chicken complain about having too much room......

Oh man, I'm.almost thinking I wont have enough space for 6...I have a 9'x10' area roughly as the run...and the coop right now is big enough for the pullets, the established the pecking order and have lots to do inside...since the pics I rearranged their set up, lol, inside)...
Yesterday I spent an hour or more on the phone (over the course of the whole day) tracking down doctors to sign some prescription refills for Beth. One nurse wanted her to wait 6 weeks for a Dr appointment before signing!!!.....Nope, you can get up off your behind and and walk 20 feet to get the doctor to sign these. We'll make an appointment, but she isn't waiting that long for her meds! "Oh, ok, I'll get her chart", she says. 1 hour later I'm picking up the precriptions at the pharmacy.
Funny how some doctors offices are well run, and other not so well run. My doctor I could call in with a refill and in half and hour or sooner, I called the pharmacy and it was being filled. My mothers doctor on the other hand takes 24 hours (if you are lucky), and sometimes many calls to refill a perscription! Glad Beth got her meds without needing a doctors visit,, which really means, we will need to charge you anther office visit so we make more money.
Ah, I wondered if you might be raising your own chickens!  Once you get the chicken bug, chicken math kicks in!!  Maybe you can borrow one of her roosters from time to time!!!!!  LOL 

I wish I could raise chicks! Id love to offer organic feed pickup out this way...from a organic farm that wants to expand their area...and just get free feed in exchange for offering a rural location for organic feed - ha! We will probably move out of town limit in a few years and I will want to raise then. Goats and pigs too, on a super small scale with goats n pigs.
Someone had mentioned earlier about the pages loading slowly, and I am starting to think it is because of the ads on each and every page. There are two running on every page I open up here on BYC now. Just makes you wonder????????
Someone had mentioned earlier about the pages loading slowly, and I am starting to think it is because of the ads on each and every page. There are two running on every page I open up here on BYC now. Just makes you wonder????????
Ah, the price we pay for "free"! I'm glad you guys brought it up, though. I was starting to think my laptop was needing replaced again. (And just as I had everything set up the way I want it.) :)

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