
The hail was brutal along the Palmer Divide last night. The skylights on the new coop held up fine but this morning there was water sitting on the roof. Time for another redesign, at least before the snow hits us.
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Any info like that is useful, what this page is here for.

This guy could be bad news. He recently lost his farm in weld county. All the info I've seen is one sided and it's his side, but it seems very fishy to me. Having talked to someone who rescued some of his animals, I found out that the animals were not living in a good situation at all and she described him as an animal horder. He's starting up again, and I would not willingly send any of my pets to live there. All that being said, I'm not willing to speak up over there because this guy has seemed very litigious and I don't want him coming after me.

If the mods of the Colorado Chickens board would like more info to make a decision, I will give it in PM.
So guys I have a mixed flock. I'm CONSIDERING getting a rooster. If I do what breed would you guys suggest. This is what I have now, all pullets.
3 Easter Eggers
1 blk Austrlorp
1 Buff Orpington
1 Speckled Sussex
1 Barred Rock
1 partridge Plymouth Rock
2 golden laced Wyandottes
1 Rhode Island Red
1 silver laced Wyandotte

Like someone else has said, if you want to breed pure at all, you'll need a rooster that has a hen. If you get a RIR roo, he'll produce sex link babies with the SLW and the BR. I have a RIR roo who is a sweetie, but that is not standard for the breed as I understand it. I have a couple other sweeties, they are Cochin, Naked neck, salmon faverolle, black broiler, and BR.

I'd be willing to give you my salmon faverolle male, he's so timid he gets picked on by his littermates. He's also very skittish, but once you get a hold of him he's very sweet. He is currently in the house growing back all his butt feathers because the girls never let them grow from chickhood. He's about 20 weeks old.
Another question for everyone...I have a year old Buff Orpington, Ginger, that has always laid a nice big egg about every other day. Lately she has been randomly laying an egg in the pen/coop/run and then goes into the nest box and lays another egg that is soft and usually broken. They have free choice oyster shell and she was eating all flock but is now back on layer feed. Anyone know what could be causing this? It has been going on for about a month. It began one day when she laid an egg in their run at about 8 pm. She acts normal, she is a very vocal girl but has not been vocal after laying the first egg but is after the second. It is almost like she has no idea she laid the first one. What is going on with Ginger?
We picked our first harvest of sugar peas! The garden is looking so good (thanks to hens and recent rain). Hatched out the last chicks and incubs shut off. I have spring youngsters available, all males $6 each. There's some bantam cochin Columbian cockerels from Dick Horstman's hatchery

(nearly 80% males in the order!) The black one is a mille fleur/mottled cochin

And some pretty silkie cockerels--couple splash (1 with buff in neck, other may be breeder potential), a blue with buff in neck, and a mix splash/buff--pretty color I'd keep if I had the room
This guy could be bad news. He recently lost his farm in weld county. All the info I've seen is one sided and it's his side, but it seems very fishy to me. Having talked to someone who rescued some of his animals, I found out that the animals were not living in a good situation at all and she described him as an animal horder. He's starting up again, and I would not willingly send any of my pets to live there. All that being said, I'm not willing to speak up over there because this guy has seemed very litigious and I don't want him coming after me.

If the mods of the Colorado Chickens board would like more info to make a decision, I will give it in PM.
Yeah, something sounded a little too good to be true about wanting everyone's unwanted chickens, so I clicked his facebook profile. There's stuff there that sounded a little alarming and unstable. I also don't want to post this on facebook under my full name, but if anyone knows the people who were responding to him, might want to encourage them to check this out before giving him their phone numbers and addresses or meeting up with him.
Another question for everyone...I have a year old Buff Orpington, Ginger, that has always laid a nice big egg about every other day. Lately she has been randomly laying an egg in the pen/coop/run and then goes into the nest box and lays another egg that is soft and usually broken. They have free choice oyster shell and she was eating all flock but is now back on layer feed. Anyone know what could be causing this? It has been going on for about a month. It began one day when she laid an egg in their run at about 8 pm. She acts normal, she is a very vocal girl but has not been vocal after laying the first egg but is after the second. It is almost like she has no idea she laid the first one. What is going on with Ginger?

I thought you still need to offer oyster shell even when they are on layer feed. But this is kinda weird behavior.

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