
Thanks you two for the advice! As the day goes on, they seem to look better. I will definitely give the pullet a few days to a week to recover, unless she shows signs that she is declining. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully they will all be happier then!
Latestarter, these neighbors are always gone and they leave their dogs alone for 2 and 3 days at a time. I don't know if the single mother is just working all the time or what, but they will be notified, if they don't know about it already. I have a feeling that another neighbor called them to let them know what's going on because that neighbor came to check on the dogs again and they are friends. Animal Control is involved, and the dogs will most likely be taken away to dog jail. The hubby was willing to turn the one instigating dog into fertilizer, but he is a fast animal- I almost think he has dingo in him. If there is a next time, the dog will be terminated. Animal control may already have decided that these dogs need to be put down- since one does have a record already (that I know of). I think the dogs just get bored because they are kept in a small fenced off area and both dogs are high-energy mixed breeds.

So sorry to hear about your loss of birds. I hope Animal Control takes care of the dogs and eliminates any chance of it happening again. Some people shouldn't have dogs.
Thanks you two for the advice! As the day goes on, they seem to look better. I will definitely give the pullet a few days to a week to recover, unless she shows signs that she is declining. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully they will all be happier then!
Latestarter, these neighbors are always gone and they leave their dogs alone for 2 and 3 days at a time. I don't know if the single mother is just working all the time or what, but they will be notified, if they don't know about it already. I have a feeling that another neighbor called them to let them know what's going on because that neighbor came to check on the dogs again and they are friends. Animal Control is involved, and the dogs will most likely be taken away to dog jail. The hubby was willing to turn the one instigating dog into fertilizer, but he is a fast animal- I almost think he has dingo in him. If there is a next time, the dog will be terminated. Animal control may already have decided that these dogs need to be put down- since one does have a record already (that I know of). I think the dogs just get bored because they are kept in a small fenced off area and both dogs are high-energy mixed breeds. 

So sorry to hear about your loss of birds.  I hope Animal Control takes care of the dogs and eliminates any chance of it happening again.  Some people shouldn't have dogs.

We are always dealing with ignorant dog owners... It makes my blood boil!! :mad:

We started a new thread..
Aacre so sorry for your loss, hopefully the survivors have a full recovery. I had a huge loss several years ago to a neighbor's dog, the sense of loss and shock in myself lasted a long time and I wasn't even there. Lucky for us chickens tend to be pretty resilient.

Ashdoes I bought Poultry Dust at Big R, the one that says it has permethrin in it (think that's the chemical - it was in a yellow carboard can) - used that to dust the coop. The birds I sprayed down with another product that had to be diluted in water, and later learned if I'd made sure the water was warm (not hot, just not ice cold) or done it on a hot day I could have just dunked them. This was last year after I spotted mites on one of the Silkies. I have checked several times since then, and have not seen any critters so far (knock wood).
More than 24 hours after the dog attack, my chickens all seem to be back to normal! I'm very happy for them! The pullet that can't use her legs seems to be getting more strength back in her legs, more so in one than the other, but it's a big improvement after yesterday! I've dubbed her Princess No Legs. She's eating well and drinking water normally. I have been moving her around the yard to make sure she doesn't get too hot or bored in one place. She won't move by herself still. I rigged up a little basin for her to sit in so that she isn't cutting off any needed circulation in her legs and also so that she isn't using her wing to prop herself up at all.
Dang! We ordered Swedish Flower Hens last month, and they were supposed to ship today, but they're aren't enough for the order yet. These were my back up breed choice, though I'm still actively looking for Cochins. Now I have to decide if we're going to give up on the Swedish for the year, or just wait it out.
It's just so hard finding a breed we want.
For those of you who provided me with eggs........and those who just like pics of chicks.

I don't think any of these are Ashley's I think I ended up with 3 of Steve's and 3 of Wendell's.

Can't see these too well, but I think all 3 chicks are Wendell's. 1 female and 2 males?

I think both of these are Steve's. Because of the rapid feathering, I think the light colored one is a female, The other is a light gray/brown with a white face. slow feathering, I suspect a male.

Another pic of what I think is Steve's chick.

I THINK both of these are Steve's. The one in front looks a lot like the other one I think is Steve's, but this one does not have a white face.

I just put this in cause it fascinates me how they like to perch on mama's back.

That light one could be a Cream Legbar male, I'd need to see a pic of the top of its head, but I think I see a dot. We're there any blue eggs that hatched?
good to hear...amazing how critters recover & move on to the next day...we humans could learn from that... Stay in the moment!!

I hope lil Princess No Legs gets on without any more issues!!

I know everyone is trying to get rid of roosters, but I thought I would try here anyway.
I have a 13 week old silver laced polish rooster. He hasn't crowed yet or challenged anyone. He is very calm and independent. I think he would be a great 4-H project.
I can drive to meet someone if they want him.
His name is Jagger.
Oh, Maggie! He is gorgeous!

Princess No Legs seems to be doing a little better today. She doesn't want to sit in her basin anymore and has been able to position herself comfortably the way she wants to lay. This morning, she is showing movement in her other leg. So now she can grasp with both, but one is significantly stronger than the other one.. I'm just glad that they're both showing any movement! She is eating and drinking normally still. She doesn't seem to get depressed since the other pullets her size will come join her and keep company. I love how they band together without hesitation.

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