
Today started out horribly for me and my chickens! The neighbor's dogs got in my back yard and killed 10 of my chickens and left the rest of them very traumatized and two that are more severely injured. One of my pullets has no puncture wounds, but she is unable to use her legs. She seems very strong and doesn't seem to be hurting that much, so I don't want to cull her as of right now. I also have a rooster that is my hero that did what he could to protect his girls and he is missing a lot of feathers and has abrasions on his skin. He is up and running around now- he seemed weak and we thought we would have to cull him, but he must have just been in shock.
The two severely injured ones are under control right now but is there anything I can do for the rest of them for stress? I have 4 ducks that somehow didn't get touched, but they are extremely afraid right now, and I want to do something for all of them to help their stress. I feel so bad for them all. I don't want this stress to get them sick or anything.
Today started out horribly for me and my chickens! The neighbor's dogs got in my back yard and killed 10 of my chickens and left the rest of them very traumatized and two that are more severely injured. One of my pullets has no puncture wounds, but she is unable to use her legs. She seems very strong and doesn't seem to be hurting that much, so I don't want to cull her as of right now. I also have a rooster that is my hero that did what he could to protect his girls and he is missing a lot of feathers and has abrasions on his skin. He is up and running around now- he seemed weak and we thought we would have to cull him, but he must have just been in shock.
The two severely injured ones are under control right now but is there anything I can do for the rest of them for stress? I have 4 ducks that somehow didn't get touched, but they are extremely afraid right now, and I want to do something for all of them to help their stress. I feel so bad for them all. I don't want this stress to get them sick or anything.
Oh no!
Loose dogs are the worst. They kill just for the thrill. It makes me more mad than a wild animal killing for dinner (even though I don't like that either if that dinner happens to be my chicken, but it doesn't feel nearly as unfair).
I would give everyone a few days before deciding who to cull. We had a chick get injured by our puppy recently and it took her a few days before she was walking around again. Shock can wreck havoc on them.
To help with the stress I'd make sure they all have a dark, calm, place to hang out. Something they feel secure in. You'll be surprised at their resilience.
Sorry to hear about your lost birds. I've heard that poultry nutri-drench is good for birds that are stressed. I gave each of my chicks a drop orally when they arrived to get them started out right. I hope you've spoken with the neighbor who is responsible and also hope that neighbor is going to pay for the damages their dogs did. I would also inform the neighbor that the next time, the dogs are in your yard, they will be staying permanently as fertilizer.
Thanks you two for the advice! As the day goes on, they seem to look better. I will definitely give the pullet a few days to a week to recover, unless she shows signs that she is declining. Tomorrow is another day, and hopefully they will all be happier then!
Latestarter, these neighbors are always gone and they leave their dogs alone for 2 and 3 days at a time. I don't know if the single mother is just working all the time or what, but they will be notified, if they don't know about it already. I have a feeling that another neighbor called them to let them know what's going on because that neighbor came to check on the dogs again and they are friends. Animal Control is involved, and the dogs will most likely be taken away to dog jail. The hubby was willing to turn the one instigating dog into fertilizer, but he is a fast animal- I almost think he has dingo in him. If there is a next time, the dog will be terminated. Animal control may already have decided that these dogs need to be put down- since one does have a record already (that I know of). I think the dogs just get bored because they are kept in a small fenced off area and both dogs are high-energy mixed breeds.
The dog may be fast, but that just means you have to "lead it a little" when you aim. I have this problem where I have trouble hitting stationary targets, but once they start moving, no problem at all!
Don't know of a single dog that can outrun a bullet. Anyway, hope things get worked out and you're able to replace your loss.
Hope your remaining chickens have a speedy recovery! Sad that the dogs have to pay for the owners being lax, and not home often, MOST dogs will go after chickens, is a given. Hope the dog owners reimburse you for your loss.

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