
Keets are babies of these prehistoric looking creatures. [/
Keets are babies of these prehistoric looking creatures. [URL=]
OMG they definitely look prehistoric reminds me of seeing a turkey vulture up close, bizarre looking! So do they lay eggs you can eat? Or are they for eating?[/URL]
I put this adult group of guineas in with my hens when they are about 5 weeks. They started free ranging with them at about 7 weeks and have always returned to the coop (or the rafters in the barn) every night. They go off and do their own thing during the day and leave the hens alone. I think there is a lot to be said to raising them like chickens and not wild guineas.
So I set up a cage in the garage and moved the chicks out there a few days ago. We keep the house cold so I knew it would be difficult for them but a few days before I started putting them outside during the day in a cage next to the chickens pen. I am getting worried because of how heavy they are panting, even more so the GLW. They are about 9 weeks old. The GLW has been having completely liquid poops about two a day. Should I bring them back in the house or just try to let them adapt to the heat?
I would make sure that the little ones are able to get to the shade. Give them plenty of water and food. They should adapt o the heat. They just need a way to cool off. Shade works wonders.
mine have spent most of h day in the shade of the cottonwood tree and in the brush trying to stay cool.
I would make sure that the little ones are able to get to the shade. Give them plenty of water and food. They should adapt o the heat. They just need a way to cool off. Shade works wonders.
mine have spent most of h day in the shade of the cottonwood tree and in the brush trying to stay cool.

It is so hard being a chicken momma, and having to do things that make you sad but are for the good of your little girls. In the garage they stay for a few more days and then a temporary coop next to the big girls. I picked up frozen corn, kale, and I got watermelon, cut it in to cubes, I am freezing it now. I also got carrot juice, canned 100% frozen apple, strawberry, kiwi, and some cherry juice. I turned it in to a sorbet for them. Have I ever mentioned that my girls are spoiled?

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