
Dnetschke- good luck finding an EE roo.
So sorry that some of you peeps have had issues with the cold. It does take its toll for sure, especially adding to the stress factor.
We did fine with the cold, but today will be the first real wind of the season at 80mph. I guess we won't be playing outside today.....
Good day today (after work...) Came home to find 7 eggs, all UN/NOT frozen
and at least one from all 4 breeds/coop enclosures
Gonna have to get serious about finding a cheap source of egg cartons here pretty quick... Any suggestions out there? Then have to come up w/a marketing plan to sell them. These birds need to start paying me back a bit for their keep.

Was too dark to check the roo's combs/wattles as they were all up on roost and settled down for the night. Was 40 degrees F inside the coop. They'll get to start out tomorrow with a nice full trough of FF to keep them happy through the day
Looks to stay in the mid 40s for the rest of the week. Pretty happy with that. Hopefully the rest of these POL pullets will start producing soon.

Hope everyone had a great day and have a better tomorrow!
Good day today (after work...) Came home to find 7 eggs, all UN/NOT frozen
and at least one from all 4 breeds/coop enclosures
Gonna have to get serious about finding a cheap source of egg cartons here pretty quick... Any suggestions out there? Then have to come up w/a marketing plan to sell them. These birds need to start paying me back a bit for their keep.

Was too dark to check the roo's combs/wattles as they were all up on roost and settled down for the night. Was 40 degrees F inside the coop. They'll get to start out tomorrow with a nice full trough of FF to keep them happy through the day
Looks to stay in the mid 40s for the rest of the week. Pretty happy with that. Hopefully the rest of these POL pullets will start producing soon.

Hope everyone had a great day and have a better tomorrow!

I put out the word to friends to save them for me. I now have a stack of 50+! I also told people I sold them to they were $3 if they brought me a carton or $4 without. I don't have to do that now with the amount I have saved. People still ask me if I need cartons, I've had to turn them down. I have nowhere to store that many. lol
Wow... sorry to hear about your hen's comb COChix... hope it heals OK. I don't plan to bring any chickens into the house...

Thanks, I certainly don't plan on making it a habit of having them in the house, but looking back on the situation, it was the right thing to do. She couldn't be with her flock mates while she had blood running down her face and she was shivering when I brought her inside...poor girl. She was in the house for maybe an hour and napped most of the time while we waited for her comb to stop bleeding.

I am so sorry to hear about all the hard times this cold snap caused everyone. I was super nervous about taking care of my surprise flock since it's the first time I've had chickens and because it got so cold and windy out Northeast here. I'm even more thankful I could find all you nice people before winter showed up and that you were all so willing to share advice and tips with me.

I hope everyone has a better week than last and no more serious injuries or deaths occur to your flocks.
Love your names and the pics, what a great group. Glad they are doing well and adjusting.

What is it with the combs freezing and losses this year???  I am wondering if it is because the weather went from super mild to FREEZING in one day???  I have had no issues with combs before, but this last week, have had a two of the new boys get frostbite!  I feel bad for them........ I want to be a perfect chicken Mamma and thought I had their coop well winterized, but guess not!!!!  
Beautiful Welsummer hen!  Wonder if she is bottom of the pecking order and was left to roost alone.

Thanks on the compliment on the Welsummer, not sure where she is on the pecking order and that was a good point. Also try not to beat yourself up about the frostbite, easier said than done (trust me, I know).

Good day today (after work...) Came home to find 7 eggs, all UN/NOT frozen :celebrate and at least one from all 4 breeds/coop enclosures :yiipchick   Gonna have to get serious about finding a cheap source of egg cartons here pretty quick...  Any suggestions out there? Then have to come up w/a marketing plan to sell them. These birds need to start paying me back a bit for their keep.
Yea congrats on the eggs. We get cartons from the two charities we donate our eggs too, sorry can't help on that front. I am quickly running out, cannot keep up with all these eggs! I guess there could be worse things.....;)

Our gang has quickly adjusted to the cold and snow and were out free ranging today taking advantage of this warmer weather. They also got their first treat of dried mealworms and boy did they love it. I have been pretty impressed with their egg laying so far and the lowest we got during the cold was 15 out of 23 hens, not bad (that was a day when all our EE were on strike). Two days ago, I burried a bunch if BOSS in the run for them to scratch and peck for and today we got 20 eggs, not sure if that is a coincidence or not. Will see if we will get more than 18 eggs tomorrow, 18 has been a steady average for the last month. Nutmeg, the Welsummer with frost bite, has been doing fine and nobody has been pecking at her comb. Not sure if she will have permanent damage from the frostbite, I would assume so since she as bleeding.

@Late, forgot I was reading that some people use bag balm on their birds combs with frostbite, as it is soothing. Also read that bag balm is another alternative to Vaseline in the prevention of frostbite. Can someone with more experience confirm this?
Thanks, I certainly don't plan on making it a habit of having them in the house, but looking back on the situation, it was the right thing to do. She couldn't be with her flock mates while she had blood running down her face and she was shivering when I brought her inside...poor girl. She was in the house for maybe an hour and napped most of the time while we waited for her comb to stop bleeding.
Love your names and the pics, what a great group. Glad they are doing well and adjusting.
Thanks on the compliment on the Welsummer, not sure where she is on the pecking order and that was a good point. Also try not to beat yourself up about the frostbite, easier said than done (trust me, I know).
Yea congrats on the eggs. We get cartons from the two charities we donate our eggs too, sorry can't help on that front. I am quickly running out, cannot keep up with all these eggs! I guess there could be worse things.....

Our gang has quickly adjusted to the cold and snow and were out free ranging today taking advantage of this warmer weather. They also got their first treat of dried mealworms and boy did they love it. I have been pretty impressed with their egg laying so far and the lowest we got during the cold was 15 out of 23 hens, not bad (that was a day when all our EE were on strike). Two days ago, I burried a bunch if BOSS in the run for them to scratch and peck for and today we got 20 eggs, not sure if that is a coincidence or not. Will see if we will get more than 18 eggs tomorrow, 18 has been a steady average for the last month. Nutmeg, the Welsummer with frost bite, has been doing fine and nobody has been pecking at her comb. Not sure if she will have permanent damage from the frostbite, I would assume so since she as bleeding.

@Late, forgot I was reading that some people use bag balm on their birds combs with frostbite, as it is soothing. Also read that bag balm is another alternative to Vaseline in the prevention of frostbite. Can someone with more experience confirm this?
Thanks! I'm glad Nutmeg is doing better! :) Hopefully the damage isn't too bad.
Don't feel bad about bringing your chickens inside when they need attention. We have a hospital cage that we have used MANY times in the house and have alive and healthy chickens that would've otherwise been dead because of it. We have 50 chickens at our place right now and I wouldn't hesitate to bring any of them inside if they needed extra care. I think it is the responsible thing to do when you have taken an animal into your care. I'm not saying everyone should but I think everyone should give the care an animal needs, whether that's in the house, in a barn, etc.
Gonna have to get serious about finding a cheap source of egg cartons here pretty quick... Any suggestions out there? Then have to come up w/a marketing plan to sell them. These birds need to start paying me back a bit for their keep.
I have so many egg cartons. Dozens and dozens. I am at the point of being over run with them. EVERYONE gives me egg cartons, I have tons.
You know where I live, you are welcome to them if you want to drive up here. I don't know if it is worth the drive though.

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