
Anyone got any leads on any Blue Amereaucana hatching eggs, would prefer a local source of course! They are hard to find...many hatcheries and sites are sold out. :(
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Anyone got any leads on any Blue Amereaucana hatching eggs, would prefer a local source of course! They are hard to find...many hatcheries and sites are sold out.

I know of a lady who MAY have some. BUT the roos are blacks, blues and splashes. I got my black roo from her. I'll send her an email and ask. Not sure she does the hatching eggs thing
I sent her an email via the CL addy I had an it was returned. I'll do some digging and see if there's another way to reach her. I'm sorry:( Still looking. I know where she lives but do not know her well enough to just show up.......
Percheron Chick and I ordered some Ameraucana chicks from Fowl Stuff Hatchery.
I got some bantams and PC got some large fowl. I had to order extra to fill out the 25 minimum limit, so I will probably have extras depending on if any die or not. They are straight run so I will for sure have roosters.
When they come I'll keep you all posted if there are extras or not.
Ok, I was able to reach her and waiting on her info to get you in PM. She has 2 dozen blue hatching eggs available, turned every hour
Hello Everyone! I've been on BYC for a bit now but decided to pop over and say high to the other Colorado folks. I've read through some of the newer posts on this thread and it has been very interesting, educational, and entertaining.

I currently have 4 Welsh Harlequin ducks (and two Maltese dogs). They were hatched last August so I am hoping for my first eggs to come soon. I am very excited because today I reserved chicks at Kiowa Country Corner.
This March and April I will be getting 3 blue laced red wyandottes, 1 welsummer, and 3 blue ameraucanas. The wyandottes and ameraucanas will be straight run so I am hoping for at least 1 hen of each.

For now I'm just enjoying the mild weather.
Welcome from me as well!

I have chickens from the Kiowa store. Mine are approaching one year old. Nice healthy birds and turned out pretty good for me.
Glad to hear you are getting some from them. Very nice folks there too.

Been very nice here with the snow melting off some. I am hoping the ice dam in the street melts some so getting out of the driveway does not take a pontoon boat anymore. It gets like that every winter though so I should be used to it by now.

Snow melted back enough from one of the flower beds that I can see the siberian iris are still green. Weird just weird.

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