
@COchix I'm so sorry about your dog.

We too had a tough weekend. We put our 2 adopted rescued greyhounds to sleep to go to the rainbow bridfe, they were almost 13 years old. We had had them about 8.5 years. I had gotten them from their breeder kennel for free from West Virgini . They paid to transport them to the nationsl greyhound association in Kansas where we picked them up to bring them home to Colorado. Oberon had broken his hock racing and the vet had offered to fix it for the same cost as euthanasia if the owner would find him a forever home. He was also on lots of medication and had skin lesions and big bald spots. Sagan was a beta dog, not great for racing and was extremely scared snd had anxiety about slick floor , which we didn't know until we got him home and he saw our hardwood floors and we had to carry him in.

It took years of love to get Sagan not afraid of the floors. He tried to commit suicide several times by eating 3 kilos of dark Valrhona chocolate, incurring a $2000 vet bill.

I've been crying since Saturday when we took them to the vet after they had a cheeseburger party at the park. They were so bad off, we had to drive them to the park which is only 2 blocks away. The last time they escaped and ran away, they both got less than a block away. Where before, they would go 8-12 blocks away if given the opportunity.

On top of it I caught a wicked cold. And it snowed quite a bit. The ducks are having a blast. The chickens are all like.. no. We think we will stay inside the coops. Nope nope nope. The cold white stuff is taller than we ever are. Nope nope nope. The ducks are all kinda swimming on top of the snow which is comical.

Today I'm staying in my jammies drinking coffee and maybe going to watch tv. Oh and laundry. The never ending story of adulthood. . Laundry.

I give my flocks fermented feed. If I give them dry feed they just waste too much of it. As for meat/dual purpose breeds I have white bresse. The cockrels dress out nicely between 4-6 months of age. They are quite inbreed though, so I have crossed the white bresse with an ayam cemani, but only got pullet so far.

I'll probably be hatching again soon, with my better ayam cemani rooster over my girls. I have easter eggers, crested cream legbars, ayam cemani, svart honas, white bresse , polish, mottled orpingto , frizzled tolbunt easter egger. Last year my olive egger Estella won a blue ribbon at the Denver County Fair in the backyard chicken category and 2nd best overall bird. She lays blue eggs.

I have a couple more egg layers I want to sell before I start setting eggs though, but I could just move them over to the chicken condo. I only let my surgically crow reduced rooster out when my y 1 neighbor that suddenly started hating everything we do less than a year ago isn't home. But he still calls code enforcement to complain. I'm having to go to trial soon over it. Oh.. he's also stalking me on this board/forum.

I'm baking my other neighbor that lives even closer and has the same landlord a loaf of gluten-free sourdough bread tomorrow and some chicken stew for being so nice that he just shoveled my sidewalk! The neighbor that I'm going to court over used to do that. We used to be friends. Obviously not aanymore, but that's on him. Oh well.

Oh, we're also starting a 2 bathroom remodel on our house soon. Joy oh joy. My bf promised me a new cooktop, but I really need a new stove, dishwasher.. heck.. a whole new kitchen, but he said no. Only the bathrooms. Dang it.
@Double Kindness :hugs, sorry for the loss of your two beloved pets. Sounds like they had a much better life with you than what they were facing. At least that had some joy and happiness in their lives after their years of racing. Many racers never lead a normal life.......
@Double Kindness Sorry to hear about Oberon and Segan. Sounds like you gave them a great life.
@COchix I'm so sorry about your dog.

We too had a tough weekend. We put our 2 adopted rescued greyhounds to sleep to go to the rainbow bridfe, they were almost 13 years old. We had had them about 8.5 years. I had gotten them from their breeder kennel for free from West Virgini . They paid to transport them to the nationsl greyhound association in Kansas where we picked them up to bring them home to Colorado. Oberon had broken his hock racing and the vet had offered to fix it for the same cost as euthanasia if the owner would find him a forever home. He was also on lots of medication and had skin lesions and big bald spots. Sagan was a beta dog, not great for racing and was extremely scared snd had anxiety about slick floor , which we didn't know until we got him home and he saw our hardwood floors and we had to carry him in.

It took years of love to get Sagan not afraid of the floors. He tried to commit suicide several times by eating 3 kilos of dark Valrhona chocolate, incurring a $2000 vet bill.

I've been crying since Saturday when we took them to the vet after they had a cheeseburger party at the park. They were so bad off, we had to drive them to the park which is only 2 blocks away. The last time they escaped and ran away, they both got less than a block away. Where before, they would go 8-12 blocks away if given the opportunity.

On top of it I caught a wicked cold. And it snowed quite a bit. The ducks are having a blast. The chickens are all like.. no. We think we will stay inside the coops. Nope nope nope. The cold white stuff is taller than we ever are. Nope nope nope. The ducks are all kinda swimming on top of the snow which is comical.

Today I'm staying in my jammies drinking coffee and maybe going to watch tv. Oh and laundry. The never ending story of adulthood. . Laundry.

I give my flocks fermented feed. If I give them dry feed they just waste too much of it. As for meat/dual purpose breeds I have white bresse. The cockrels dress out nicely between 4-6 months of age. They are quite inbreed though, so I have crossed the white bresse with an ayam cemani, but only got pullet so far.

I'll probably be hatching again soon, with my better ayam cemani rooster over my girls. I have easter eggers, crested cream legbars, ayam cemani, svart honas, white bresse , polish, mottled orpingto , frizzled tolbunt easter egger. Last year my olive egger Estella won a blue ribbon at the Denver County Fair in the backyard chicken category and 2nd best overall bird. She lays blue eggs.

I have a couple more egg layers I want to sell before I start setting eggs though, but I could just move them over to the chicken condo. I only let my surgically crow reduced rooster out when my y 1 neighbor that suddenly started hating everything we do less than a year ago isn't home. But he still calls code enforcement to complain. I'm having to go to trial soon over it. Oh.. he's also stalking me on this board/forum.

I'm baking my other neighbor that lives even closer and has the same landlord a loaf of gluten-free sourdough bread tomorrow and some chicken stew for being so nice that he just shoveled my sidewalk! The neighbor that I'm going to court over used to do that. We used to be friends. Obviously not aanymore, but that's on him. Oh well.

Oh, we're also starting a 2 bathroom remodel on our house soon. Joy oh joy. My bf promised me a new cooktop, but I really need a new stove, dishwasher.. heck.. a whole new kitchen, but he said no. Only the bathrooms. Dang it.

Wow, so much going on. I am sorry you will be missing Oberon and Sagan, and I'm happy to learn that you spent so many good years together. That is remarkable. Sorry also that you have a troublesome neighbor. I wish I knew a good lawyer to recommend to you - one that could, pro bono, get the code changed to allow crow-reduced-roosters. Thank you for fighting the fight for chicken lovers everywhere. You have a rare and unusual collection of birds, and I am sooo impressed. (I am personally and especially fascinated by the Ayam Cemani). Glad to hear your ducks are doing well. It IS possible for you and your neighbor to reconcile. Hope things work out.
@COchix I'm so sorry about your dog.

We too had a tough weekend. We put our 2 adopted rescued greyhounds to sleep to go to the rainbow bridfe, they were almost 13 years old. We had had them about 8.5 years. I had gotten them from their breeder kennel for free from West Virgini . They paid to transport them to the nationsl greyhound association in Kansas where we picked them up to bring them home to Colorado. Oberon had broken his hock racing and the vet had offered to fix it for the same cost as euthanasia if the owner would find him a forever home. He was also on lots of medication and had skin lesions and big bald spots. Sagan was a beta dog, not great for racing and was extremely scared snd had anxiety about slick floor , which we didn't know until we got him home and he saw our hardwood floors and we had to carry him in.

It took years of love to get Sagan not afraid of the floors. He tried to commit suicide several times by eating 3 kilos of dark Valrhona chocolate, incurring a $2000 vet bill.

I've been crying since Saturday when we took them to the vet after they had a cheeseburger party at the park. They were so bad off, we had to drive them to the park which is only 2 blocks away. The last time they escaped and ran away, they both got less than a block away. Where before, they would go 8-12 blocks away if given the opportunity.

On top of it I caught a wicked cold. And it snowed quite a bit. The ducks are having a blast. The chickens are all like.. no. We think we will stay inside the coops. Nope nope nope. The cold white stuff is taller than we ever are. Nope nope nope. The ducks are all kinda swimming on top of the snow which is comical.

Today I'm staying in my jammies drinking coffee and maybe going to watch tv. Oh and laundry. The never ending story of adulthood. . Laundry.

I give my flocks fermented feed. If I give them dry feed they just waste too much of it. As for meat/dual purpose breeds I have white bresse. The cockrels dress out nicely between 4-6 months of age. They are quite inbreed though, so I have crossed the white bresse with an ayam cemani, but only got pullet so far.

I'll probably be hatching again soon, with my better ayam cemani rooster over my girls. I have easter eggers, crested cream legbars, ayam cemani, svart honas, white bresse , polish, mottled orpingto , frizzled tolbunt easter egger. Last year my olive egger Estella won a blue ribbon at the Denver County Fair in the backyard chicken category and 2nd best overall bird. She lays blue eggs.

I have a couple more egg layers I want to sell before I start setting eggs though, but I could just move them over to the chicken condo. I only let my surgically crow reduced rooster out when my y 1 neighbor that suddenly started hating everything we do less than a year ago isn't home. But he still calls code enforcement to complain. I'm having to go to trial soon over it. Oh.. he's also stalking me on this board/forum.

I'm baking my other neighbor that lives even closer and has the same landlord a loaf of gluten-free sourdough bread tomorrow and some chicken stew for being so nice that he just shoveled my sidewalk! The neighbor that I'm going to court over used to do that. We used to be friends. Obviously not aanymore, but that's on him. Oh well.

Oh, we're also starting a 2 bathroom remodel on our house soon. Joy oh joy. My bf promised me a new cooktop, but I really need a new stove, dishwasher.. heck.. a whole new kitchen, but he said no. Only the bathrooms. Dang it.

I'm sorry you're going through all this. I hope the trial goes well for you. Best of luck with your hatching! Your chicks always look great.
Sorry you're going through all this stuff DK. Hope things settle down and life gets better for you. Still cloudy here but no more snow. Ended up with a little over a foot... drifts up to ~2 feet.

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