
I just put out fresh straw for everyone so they can be dry and warm tonight. Thank you all for your warm messages.

I have a lawyer already :) the trial.. I'm looking at a fine if anything. They won't make me get rid of my chickens, as I am not the only one on my block with chickens. And everything I'm doing is perfectly legal. My surgically crow reduced roosters are no louder than a barking dog if that. The crows outside make more noise than my roosters.
Wow, so much going on. I am sorry you will be missing Oberon and Sagan, and I'm happy to learn that you spent so many good years together. That is remarkable. Sorry also that you have a troublesome neighbor. I wish I knew a good lawyer to recommend to you - one that could, pro bono, get the code changed to allow crow-reduced-roosters. Thank you for fighting the fight for chicken lovers everywhere. You have a rare and unusual collection of birds, and I am sooo impressed. (I am personally and especially fascinated by the Ayam Cemani). Glad to hear your ducks are doing well. It IS possible for you and your neighbor to reconcile. Hope things work out.


We got just shy of 2 feet of snow, no wind.
Don't know in inches how much snow, but it's the most I've seen in a long while. Drifts were quite high in places - up to my knees and over my tall boots. My renter let one of Roo's into the house this am, and he is PARKED for the duration. Another roo came THROUGH the drifts to get up to the house - he actually kept his wings spread out and flapping so that he could keep his head above the TOP of the snow. I had to give him some special treats for all his hard work, but he still had to flap his way home again. My worry is that this weather will keep up and things will just get deeper and deeper and deeper - and my fence will never get fixed.
The forecast has some part sun days coming up for us and the low 40's for Saturday. I know it wont melt it off but it may help reduce the height.

Hang in there coop410silkies. It can't last forever.
I just came from checking on my flock outside. I moved them all into the condo which is bigger so they can keep each other warm. I'm glad I brought them out fresh dry straw before their bed time tonight. They really do become like my babies.
I need to get some fresh straw hay for my pen after this last storm. When the wind comes in from the north, it just fills the pen & coop with snow. Lesson learned for next winter. I am glad I finally bought a heated waterer, though!


Oh it's so cold this morning!! Only 2f here!! The ducks are excited for snow, the chickens are all like "It's still here?! Make it go away mama!"
@21hens: thank you; that is comforting.

@DK: I'm with the chickens. I'm not a meteorologist, but I am guessing that high winds will happen as the cold air moves out and the warm comes in; maybe It WILL go (get blown) away? What shall we pray for? The strength to ManUp?
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