
Very glad to hear that I do not have the only psycho weirdo kitten! Mine lives for snow and chicken feed, chased with red wine or beer, with a side of chard or other greens, topped of with a roll of TP to mangle.
The weirdo kittens make me laugh. Funny visuals you guys!

I saw a commercial that made me laugh pretty hard.
The puppy bowl is coming up and this year they are advertising it with "Chicken Cheerleaders" They had a bunch of silkie hens on the ad. I bet that will be a hoot at least for part of the day lol.

Still deep snow in my run. I have not got the energy to go shovel it out of the run door. Gals are not minding to much since the coop is large. Work wears me out so they have to hang in there for Saturday when I have the energy to shovel the whole thing out.

Hubby is doing much better and is released to go back to work now.

Itty Bitty the coop terror is mellowing back down a bit now. I am sure the Brahma are glad of that.

Cold here this morning at -3 outside the coop and +4 inside. Water had to be changed this afternoon as it froze during the day today. I am so ready for spring.
Hey guys just wanted to share. Went home to Aspen for a print selection weekend. My father is a professional black and white photographer. We had task all gathering and trying to select prints for our portfolio of his art work. He has been doing this for as long as I have been alive, 48+ Years. No small task, he had 400 matted prints to select from. Pretty amazing and bittersweet weekend. We selected 56 prints. Just a few we selected....







My parents are 78 and have begun the process of going through their possession and starting the process of consolidating their possessions. They are being proactive in this process after having to go through both sides of their parents not being proactive. They had the not so fun task of dealing with all the estate stuff and possessions after the fact. I am greatful they didn't want us to have to go through what they went through with their parents.
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