
Howdy! I'm up the road a piece in Arvada. We are not allowed roos at all here, and there is a limit of five hens, which I believe most people ignore.
What kind of chickens do you have? I have one each, EE, Iowa Blue and an Australorp, three weeks old. The Iowa Blue doesn't like the camera!
Greetings @snmarchi Welcome to BYC and the Colorado thread. Glad you decided to join us. We have a pretty good group of folks from the Centennial state. We all are kinda addicted to pics, so feel free to share some if you please.
I posted this in the showing chickens forum, but I don't think it gets much traffic, so I'm posting here, too.:)I've been trying to spend more time among the chickies, feeding them
out of my hand and petting them (when they'll allow it!). Any other tips to help feel more comfortable around people in prep for the county fair?

"My son will be entering 2 of our chickens in the county fair this year. The problem is, when we remove one from the group, she flips out - squeaking, anxious, searching for her friends, etc. I've been trying to separate them each out and give treats to get them accustomed to being separated for the 5 days, but they aren't showing any signs of reduced anxiety. Is this normal? I don't want to give them anxiety or cause a heart attack or anything. Do they calm down once they're in their new place? Any tips or advice appreciated!"
Welcome to BYC @laurajb . I don't think anyone on the Colorado thread shows their birds... I could be wrong... I might suggest that you go to a thread called "The Old Folks Home" We have active members there that I believe have shown birds and been to shows. They might be able to help you. I linked the first page, but it's a long thread (50K+ posts), so you'll want to start at the last 10-20 pages or so and go from there.

Hello all, I'm in Arvada and trying to find a good home for my sweet Henry! He's 14 weeks and finally decided to crow so he's got to go. I'll be heading to Wardle's on Thur if I can't get him a home :/
Happy 4th of July COLORADO!!

Just got back from a quick trip to Montana to see family.


Breakfast coffee looking off toward the Beartooth Mountains.


Morning mule deer doe


Tilley found a bull snake on a walk along the ridge



Had a great trip to my hometown of Billings.. We stayed in my uncles cabin outside Columbus. The Yellowstone River looked beautiful. I always love coming off the Pryors, and dropping off into Billings.

Hope you all enjoy your holiday today.
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Have 2 extra Russian Orloff roos, closing on 4 month, they eat from hands, friendly. Sexed hens... you know how that one goes, right? I've got 4 out of 9 roosters :)... Keeping me one roo and one spare, other 2 in case if someone wants that breed. Foo barn yard mix these produce large birds, offspring always have muffs and beards. These lay pinkish egg. Very tough in bad weather. Perfect for mountain folk, the roos will protect flock from any predator. Roos are already accustomed to children. Just my to be hens all the sudden did grow tails and saddle feathers.
PugNChicks, they will be fine. 3-4 hens can be a good amount, many heritage breeds will not lay egg a day all the time, americanas can go as egg every other day, so 4 chickens can give you 2-4 eggs a day, and then you can freeze those eggs for times when you need them. extras you can sell to neighbors to make it up for the feed a bit. I have folk in line for my eggs, they say these taste a lot better than store bought eggs, so folk who try do not want to buy store bought eggs anymore. I have more chickens than you do so. Plenty for us and a bit to sell for friends and family. Makes for feed and that's good enough for me. Mine free range, so that helps with the feed too quite a lot, and they control bugs, I see a lot less grasshoppers this ear, a lot less
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