
Ok been a bit since I posted an update about our rat problem in Boulder. We installed the feeder probably a month ago and it has taken the birds this long to figure our how to use it. It doesn't help that we are not there full-time to teach them how to use. We also had the board or platform fall of the level mechanism that opens the feeder. That didn't stop Mamacita on learning how to master the device. Houston we have lift off, finally now we can let that flock be an auto-pilot....makes a big difference. Fill the feeder and waterer once a week or so....


My understanding is that most birds get how to use feeder within a couple days or up to a couple weeks. That is being propped open and then eventually taking the propped open out and letting them feed while you stand on the board a couple times a day. After a bit the more assertive birds figure it out and then everyone learns.
Does anyone know where I can get some Blue Ameraucana pullets or Easter eggers around the Arvada/ golden/LW area?
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Does anyone know where I can get some Blue Ameraucana pullets or Easter eggers around the Arvada/ golden/LW area?
Golden Mill can order specific chicks for you, but I don't know if they are still ordering. Usually they will do their last "batch" in late June. Might be worth a call. Just a warning, I ordered an Amerucana and got an EE. I love her, but she isn't a pure bred, of course. I also ordered a Wyandotte (don't remember what color combo), and they sent me an Iowa Blue, saying they were comparable. All this said, I'm not sure they do pullets at all. Lovely people there, though, and they stock everything you need for your chickens.
@Rock Home Isle love Montana, nice pics! I have a good college girlfriend in Bozeman, love to visit.

Bozeman, what a beautiful community. My family homesteaded along the Yellowstone valley back in the 1800's. Wells Ranch at the in Bozeman Pass was my great great grandfather. I have an uncle that used to have a home on the Gallitin River just outside of town, cutthroat trout every morning for breakfast.

If you ever go up there to visit your friend, make sure that they take you to a little place called Beartrap. Awesome fun.

It is beautiful country, rich in history.
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