
She's here. My new mail order bride. Now I need to invest in an incubator. Anyone have a recommendation for duck/goose one?
Hi Stain, welcome.
I LOVE Danielle at CFSN she is so knowledgeable and helpful. I have some golden buffs, easter eggers, barred rocks, and a couple naked necks I got from NC feed supply. Oh, and one little polish chick snuck in too
. She will get you what you need.
I always bring a small cooler or box to bring my chicks home, but they have boxes and wood chips to send you home with, if you don't bring your own.

I hope the wind is done for a while. I want to get out and work in the yard some!

Happy Colorado Day!
ISO Young Plymouth Rock and an Ameraucana that have already started to lay or will start very soon. Checking locally before we buy started birds online... could pick up this weekend. Should be within about an hour and a half-ish of the Colorado Springs area. Thanks in advance!
Hi Stain, welcome.
I LOVE [COLOR=333333]Danielle [/COLOR] at CFSN she is so knowledgeable and helpful. I have some golden buffs, easter eggers, barred rocks, and a couple naked necks I got from NC feed supply. Oh, and one little polish chick snuck in too :) . She will get you what you need.
I always bring a small cooler or box to bring my chicks home, but they have boxes and wood chips to send you home with, if you don't bring your own.

I hope the wind is done for a while. I want to get out  and work in the yard some!

Happy Colorado Day!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm glad we have a good resource locally. I haven't dealt with Danielle much but she was very helpful answering the few questions I had. It's not really convenient to Loveland but I work in Fort Collins so I'm up that way all the time.

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