
Here's the reprint from the show catalog. You should be able to see all the birds anywhere between 9 and probably 4-4:30. there is no cost just to go and look. If you want to purchase something from the sale cages, I would plan on going earlier rather than later.
For those that haven't been to a show before, aisles are blocked one or two at a time while judging. So if an aisle is blocked, just wait a bit for the judges to finish that aisle and move on to the next.

Saturday, October 8th.
7:00 a.m. Showroom Opens to Receive Entries
8:30 a.m. All Entries Must be in Place
9:00 a.m. Judging Begins
10:00 a.m. Junior Showmanship
10:00-3:00 p.m. Contests
2:30 p.m. Raffle
4:30-6:30 p.m. Hickory House BBQ catered dinner
5:00-7:00 3rd Annual Dinner Dance! See page 14
7:00 p.m. Dessert bar and Awards Presentation
(in Showroom)
Hi Artsy1. I do feel lucky to be here in Colorado, especially in Autumn - my favorite time of year. We had our first frost and first snow this week, and the trees are starting to turn.

However, I will be thinking longingly of hot humid Florida come February. February and March are the worst and ugliest months in Colorado - so tired of the cold, brown, dirty snow and dead landscape. Yuck.

Still - 10 out of 12 months, Colorado is great - not too shabby.

I agree with Hogback. Nice here but be careful what you wish for. March seems sooooo long and even stays chilly into April. I beleive we all are lucky to live in the U.S. All the states have good and bad points. I will be wishing I was in CA in March. We could trade houses! lol
Hi Artsy1. I do feel lucky to be here in Colorado, especially in Autumn - my favorite time of year. We had our first frost and first snow this week, and the trees are starting to turn.

However, I will be thinking longingly of hot humid Florida come February. February and March are the worst and ugliest months in Colorado - so tired of the cold, brown, dirty snow and dead landscape. Yuck.

Still - 10 out of 12 months, Colorado is great - not too shabby.

I agree with Hogback. Nice here but be careful what you wish for. March seems sooooo long and even stays chilly into April. I beleive we all are lucky to live in the U.S. All the states have good and bad points. I will be wishing I was in CA in March. We could trade houses! lol

Having lived in most of the US as a former service member, I can tell you Colorado, hands down, is one of the most special and fantasti c States in the Union. It too has it's issues but in the end, it beats outmost every other location.

Ok, that ROCKED!!! I just got back from the Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Show. It was great! Beautiful birds everywhere and I came home with THREE!!!

Chicken math attacked and I was helpless!

I bought a silver laced polish pullet from a gentelman in the sales section first. And I'm glad I acted quick since I got the last grown girl he had. The only other ladies were one month old pullets who would have been eaten alive if added to my current bunch. So the show goes on and another guy (can't for the life of me remember his name
) suggests looking at the entrant numbers and finding the shower to see if they're interested in selling any of their birds. Well, as it turns out there were a BUNCH of my favorite breed there; Buff Brahma Bantams. Five pullets, all being shown by the same man. And wouldn't you know it, he came all the way from Nebraska and was perfectly happy to sell me one of the pullets after the show. So, when I went to pick up my new Buff he offered to give me one of his Light Brahma pullets too!

So, 1 turned into 2 which evolved into 3.
I'm still not quite sure how this happened but we're sure not getting rid of the Eglu now.
Just have to share; these are the ladies I picked up yesterday.
They seem to be comfortable in their Eglu, so cozy that they didn't want to come out this morning!

Summer Princess (Summer for short)

Snow Queen (Snowy for short)

And Cher! We were actually going to give her a different name but my Mom sent me a recommendation with an '80s picture of her new namesake.
Lord, how fashion can come back with a bite!
They are beautiful! You will be very happy with them . . . and them with you!!

These are the twelve I bought - all courtesy of Shylee and her beautiful quilt work:

Wow, you two hit the lottery !!! Beautiful girls and gorgeous quilt!! Nice job Shy!!

I decided not to go this year since we're fighting some kind of respiratory crud. And I also have two pigs in the barn/chicken yard that seem to gain 50# a day. But they LOVE Flockraiser and I'm tired of them eating us out of house and barn. So we're looking for a little hut for them to get them into their own yard. But hubby keeps saying "I'm going to build them one". Next year maybe
And if I even suggest an idea for something other than him building it I get the "No I'll get it done just give me time" Anyways, I can't bring anymore home for those two reasons.

Did anyone else go and bring home any goodies?

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