
Let's see... we went from Thunderstorms to sleet/hail pellets to snow, back to rain and now in a lull. Nothing covering our ground right now other than a bunch of MUD. The chickies wanted to know why I didn't open up the coop.... then I gave them some scratch and they really didn't care anymore
Well... back to indoor house cleaning!
For the first time in my life I have witnessed thunder and lightning while it was snowing heavily..... This is an odd storm. We probably have about 6 inches or so and the ducks are happily running around in it!
We are effectively snowed in. Looks like the storm is supposed to circle back on us and I see the wind picking up so I'm looking forward to some BIG drifts tomorrow. Can't you just hear my pasture and trees sigh with relief? And 70 degrees on Monday. I'm so happy.
Here in Falcon, we got a little of everything, too. SnoW, rain, thunder and lighting, and oddly enough, wind. We only have about 2-3 inches on the ground, but the threat was enough to close the school district I work for and the one we live in! SNOW DAY! SNOW DAY! Since we have Professional Development Days for Monday and Tuesday, I get a 5 day weekend!!

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