
Mo, we currently have Allstate. Previously we had USAA but when we moved to Colorado the prices were no longer competitive! USAA was great with claims, so easy. They got to pay when I hit a deer in Utah and for hail damage to DH's truck when we had the big tornado go through Greeley and Windsor. We switched to Allstate when we bought our house. USAA quoted us ~$900 a year for homeowners insurance and Allstate quoted ~$500. At that point we compared car insurance and found that we could save about $30 a month switching to Allstate! I LOVE USAA and wish we could insure with them but I can't justify the extra money. Allstate got to pay when DH was run off the road (by another car that didn't stop) into a snow bank, spun around and slammed into the center divider on I-25. We had to call and hound throughout the process but they did pay for everything as expected.

My "chicks" are almost 10 weeks now and don't look like chicks any more! Roo hasn't attempted crowing yet "knock on wood" but I think it's CLEAR he's a roo (comb and wattles unlike any of the other chicks). He doesn't act like a Roo, though. He doesn't herd or lead the girls. He doesn't protect them. He acts just like all the other chicks (stealing food from them!)! He is the first to run over to me (begging) when I come outside and he's the only one that's gone over the fence into the backyard. He hasn't shown even the slightest amount of aggression towards anyone. I don't know when to expect these behaviors but it seems a lot of roos have started showing them by this age.
Off to Memorial park to see the balloons. Beth has never been there with the balloons at night, and she wants to make sure she doesn't miss out.
I hope that it was all you pictured it to be.

When can I put them together full time?
Thanks!!!! Tracie
Mine go together as soon as they are feathered but I make sure the littler ones have a separate area to get food and hide. Usually the littler ones just hide out in the coop all day and as they get big, venture out. Usually by the time they are full grown, they are foraging together outside.
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Ashdoes, thanks for the iPad photobucket tip! My computer died so my iPad is my everything!

Coloradogal, I don't understand why an insurance company would not insure you if you had chickens! What's the liability there? Granted, we got our homeowners insurance before we got chickens so I have no idea. They've never asked (that I remember). I'll have to google it.

This is my *almost* 10 week old Roo. No doubt there, right? ;) He's not crowing yet...

Roo and the girls. He stands out like a roo in the hen house! :lol:
Mo, we currently have Allstate. Previously we had USAA but when we moved to Colorado the prices were no longer competitive! USAA was great with claims, so easy. They got to pay when I hit a deer in Utah and for hail damage to DH's truck when we had the big tornado go through Greeley and Windsor. We switched to Allstate when we bought our house. USAA quoted us ~$900 a year for homeowners insurance and Allstate quoted ~$500. At that point we compared car insurance and found that we could save about $30 a month switching to Allstate! I LOVE USAA and wish we could insure with them but I can't justify the extra money. Allstate got to pay when DH was run off the road (by another car that didn't stop) into a snow bank, spun around and slammed into the center divider on I-25. We had to call and hound throughout the process but they did pay for everything as expected.
My "chicks" are almost 10 weeks now and don't look like chicks any more! Roo hasn't attempted crowing yet "knock on wood" but I think it's CLEAR he's a roo (comb and wattles unlike any of the other chicks). He doesn't act like a Roo, though. He doesn't herd or lead the girls. He doesn't protect them. He acts just like all the other chicks (stealing food from them!)! He is the first to run over to me (begging) when I come outside and he's the only one that's gone over the fence into the backyard. He hasn't shown even the slightest amount of aggression towards anyone. I don't know when to expect these behaviors but it seems a lot of roos have started showing them by this age.
Did you live in Utah? I was born and raised there.
Did you live in Utah? I was born and raised there.

No, hubby and I are from CA so we drive through Utah every year on our way to visit family. :)

Well, it looks like yet ANOTHER chick from Cackle Hatchery is a boy. :( That makes 3 boys out 16 supposed to be pullets! Ridiculous! And it happens to be a family favorite, Baby (the chick in my avatar that has always been the runt!)! Baby got extra attention due to a couple instances of pasty butt. Baby's comb has been red for a couple of weeks but I just figured it was an EE breed anomaly because it's nowhere near as pronounced as Roos! But the folks on BYC are unanimous. Comb and coloring indicate a boy. Booooo!

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This is my *almost* 10 week old Roo. No doubt there, right?
He's not crowing yet...
Mommato, Is that a Black Astralorp? I said a few posts back that I had given away my BA Roo. I gave him away at 10 weeks as he looked JUST like yours and none of my other chickens did. He also had not crowed yet. He's now 25 weeks old, and his new owner SAYS he has neither crowed nor laid an egg yet. He/she is actually at her mothers place, so she's not around all the time, but I saw her mother about a month ago and she confirmed at that time, no egg, no crow.

Oh yeah, that sure looks like more than the 4 chickens your signature says you have. Ya can't fool us chicken owners.
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Ok, anyone else having issues with their front page? Usually when there's a new post, that thread moves to the top of the list, but it's not working right now.
Mommato, Is that a Black Astralorp? I said a few posts back that I had given away my BA Roo. I gave him away at 10 weeks as he looked JUST like yours and none of my other chickens did. He also had not crowed yet. He's now 25 weeks old, and his new owner SAYS he has neither crowed nor laid an egg yet. He/she is actually at her mothers place, so she's not around all the time, but I saw her mother about a month ago and she confirmed at that time, no egg, no crow.

Oh yeah, that sure looks like more than the 4 chickens your signature says you have. Ya can't fool us chicken owners.

Yes, he's a BA. We'd LOVE to keep him if he can just keep his beak shut. He's been warned.
You caught me. Chicken math and all that...I have dutifully updated my siggie. :)

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