
I got my first eggs from 2 of my black ameraucana pullets yesterday!!!
I've been waiting for a while; these were an early May hatch.

No pictures?
Just got off the phone with Mr. Urch. Three important things to know:

Chickens and Turkeys have to be ordered separately, they hatch at different times, so we would be best to put in an order for chickens late April and Turkeys first week May.

Narragansetts are sold out already :( He may get some cancellations, so we can still put them as first choice, what he has left are Black and Slate and Bourbon Reds.

Shipping for 50 chicks is $24, and it sounds to me like the sooner we get the order to him the more likely we are to get what we want, and we should mark second and maybe even third choice for everything.

I will plan on mailing an order with a check as soon as everyone thinks we're ready, it can be as soon as next week if you want, and meantime let me know if you still want to order knowing he's out of Narragansetts for those who wanted turkeys. I will put together the order on a spreadsheet and PM it to each person ordering. I will include my mailing and email address, so you can send a check or pay me through Paypal.

ETA: If everyone prefers to wait a couple weeks or more to submit the order it's fine, I don't want to rush anyone. I never thought about sending the order before the first of the year, and honestly, I feel fairly sure he will still have leghorns then, so I'm not too worried, but wanted you to know we can send it right away if that is what you want to do.
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We got our first egg 6 days ago and that girl has laid EVERY day since! Even less than 24 hours sometimes (9:15am one day and 8am the next day!)! She is a laying machine! AND 3 more girls have squatted for me! Yay! We may be done buying eggs now for the foreseeable future. :)
So I finished the coop, just in time for another snow. On the other hand I now have time to keep up with the forum, I was laid off today. All contractors were...
Just got off the phone with Mr. Urch. Three important things to know:

Chickens and Turkeys have to be ordered separately, they hatch at different times, so we would be best to put in an order for chickens late April and Turkeys first week May.

Narragansetts are sold out already :( He may get some cancellations, so we can still put them as first choice, what he has left are Black and Slate and Bourbon Reds.

Shipping for 50 chicks is $24, and it sounds to me like the sooner we get the order to him the more likely we are to get what we want, and we should mark second and maybe even third choice for everything.

I will plan on mailing an order with a check as soon as everyone thinks we're ready, it can be as soon as next week if you want, and meantime let me know if you still want to order knowing he's out of Narragansetts for those who wanted turkeys. I will put together the order on a spreadsheet and PM it to each person ordering. I will include my mailing and email address, so you can send a check or pay me through Paypal.

ETA: If everyone prefers to wait a couple weeks or more to submit the order it's fine, I don't want to rush anyone. I never thought about sending the order before the first of the year, and honestly, I feel fairly sure he will still have leghorns then, so I'm not too worried, but wanted you to know we can send it right away if that is what you want to do.
Well bummer.

Had my heart set on more Narragansetts.
Tonight... we were out later than normal ( I took the boys to Bear Creek Nature Center for the night hike) and didn't get home till about 8pm.

We'll out of my 7 chickens, 2 were smart enough to go INSIDE the coop all by themselves. Dominique and Black Austerlorp.

Then 5 were fast asleep on my shoes by my back sliding glass door. Oh, this is driving me crazy. I don't know how to teach them to go to bed when it gets dark. Granted, 4 of the 5 that were fast asleep on my shoes were my little girls who are only 4 months old, but the last one was Millie, my buff orpington who is the queen bee. She was mother hen!!!
Before I left I tried to round them up, but they had no intention of going to bed at 4pm, so I left the heat/light on and the door open.
I forgot to mention that last weekend we built a temporary cover over the whole chicken yard.
Yep, 50 ft by 40 ft we covered with bird netting and "sewed" it together with zip ties. It's not pretty
or predator proof, but should keep the owl out at dusk time.

I started on January 25th last year, and my birds stayed in the house until they were mostly feathered. Then they went to the garage because the coop wasn't ready when I wanted them out of the house. I was not a fan of the dust. I still start my babies inside until they're less dependent on the heat lamp and start scratching apart the puppypads I use instead of wood shavings. Usually about 2 weeks, then they go out to the garage with the heat lamp spot until i think they're ready to mix with the flock. By a month old they are definitely old enough to deal with cold as long as they have a warm place to retreat to.

Ok, thank you so much for the advice! I'm super excited about it now (as if I could have been MORE excited...?)!!

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