
Very excited! Stepped in to the Parker feed store after work ... just to see what came in yesterday. They have Austra Whites! This was definitely on my "gotta have" list, but I figured I would need to special order them. I LOVE that store. Super friendly and super helpful. They can always tell you what breeds they get in and when. I practically live there. lol
My cuckoo Marans still have pasty butt... I switched them over to mash today and I want to see if that may help. On the bright side the cuckoo Marans seem to be warming up to me, must be all the time I spend holding them cleaning their butts lol.

I candled the eggs again tonight. I confirmed that I do have 1 infertile, so I pulled it. Out of the remaining 11 eggs.. I seen clear definite movement in all 11!! The California white egg was so easy to see through it was really something to look at. I took a picture but it really doesn't do it justice.

I have a question to people who have gone to any bird swaps. I would really like to hear from people who sold birds, actually from both selling and buying now that I think more about it.
Here is the deal-I need to sell/cull/get rid of at least 5 or 6 birds now, and probably 5 or 6 more by August or so (make room for new chicks).
My birds are a all healthy as far as I know and all laying, they are 10 or 11 months old. They aren't pets in the way my dogs are, but I do love them. I really want them to go to good homes. So, that is my question; When you sold your pets at the bird swap did you feel ok about where they went?
Would I feel better selling them on craigslist?

I gave away some roosters at the chicken swap last summer. I didn't feel great about the fates of those birds. If you want to know who is buying them and why, craigslist is probably better. I didn't mind if they were destined for the plate, but worried that something inhumane would happen to them. But I think that if you're selling them for a fair price, it's probably less likely that someone would buy them for some nefarious purpose.
I have a question to people who have gone to any bird swaps. I would really like to hear from people who sold birds, actually from both selling and buying now that I think more about it.
Here is the deal-I need to sell/cull/get rid of at least 5 or 6 birds now, and probably 5 or 6 more by August or so (make room for new chicks).
My birds are a all healthy as far as I know and all laying,  they are 10 or 11 months old. They aren't pets in the way my dogs are, but I do love them. I really want them to go to  good homes. So, that is my question; When you sold your pets at the bird swap did you feel ok about where they went?
Would I feel better selling them on craigslist?

Generally you can tell what kind of people they are at the Denver swap. The ones looking for meat birds give off a different vibe. Its hard to explain... They seem more business like, they don't ask a lot of questions, and they aren't interested in chicks as far as I can tell. People wanting layers will ask a lot of questions about their eggs, the meat buyers won't.
So my 3 week old blk australorp is jumping on top of the other chicks. She's the one that's my fave, her favorite spot is to be on my shoulder so she's really friendly just seemed odd. What's your guys take on it?

They may need more space and it is just what they do. They are always using each other as vaulting horses.

Welcome ColoBecky!
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Thanks ColoBecky and Dennarahl.
I think I might just try a couple at a swap and a couple on craigslist and see how I feel. I think at the end of summer I will be ok with me eating them but I feel like they have a good 6 or more months at least, of laying in them.
I would be if I hadn't just blown my husbands bonus replacing our well pump that fried.
That is the one I am looking for. BUT...The feed shed isn't done yet, the Durango needs some more repairs. We may have to make a trip to AZ as well...My MIL had pneumonia, then a heart attack, then triple bypas surgery, then a stroke; all in a week. She seems to be on the mend, so all may work out good.

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