
Picking up baby chicks tomorrow , hoping they have a good trip and are in good shape! Brooder set up, probiotics for water, crumbles, and heat light. Set now am getting very excited. Took off work in the morning so I can get everyone settled. Hoping for a slow day at work so I can come home early. Hope they arrive on time, they shipped from Cackle Wednesday morning. Hoping my Marans are ok after reading the previous threads. Fingers crossed!
I am a little worried about the Marans too. I am getting one from Elizabeth tomorrow, the hatchery had a poor hatch on BLRW so they are supplementing them with Cuckoo Marans. I was only going to get one but I wonder if I should do two to be safe.
How old are your chicks again?  I wonder if it might help to set up a wind-blocked pen for them outside and let them scratch around in the dirt and grass for a while?  Or use some other form of probiotics maybe, Mayah has a few different forms available.  I suppose the other possibility is chlorinated water killing off what you are trying to add to their guts - perhaps let the water distill overnight, or boil and cool, before you give it to them?  I would think the ACV would overcome that, but who knows? 

The ones I hatched will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. The ones I bought from Elizabeth are 3-4 days younger.

It's weird because I have a black copper marans that I hatched who had pasty butt for a few days but she cleared right up after the addition of acv to the water. This Marans is also growing much more rapidly then the 2 cuckoo Marans. They seriously look like I just picked them up; barely any feathering and are very small. They are lively and full of energy though so I know they are not sick... On the bright side, giving them a bum cut seems to have done them better. Just a small amount stuck when I went to clean them tonight.. One may have had a scab on her bum though.. Maybe another one pecked at her? I am not too concerned just curious. They all seem to be doing fine.

I looked at the 3 chicks I hatched to look for any sign of gender... I can't see any thing definitive. All 3 have small combs with very little color. The BCM has a faint orangish tint on her comb. I am hoping maybe I have 3 hens!
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I'll try to get some pictures up tonight. I get off late most of the week, so that makes it hard. Although daylight savings is helping.
Ok! Pictures are up on my thread...
took me a while to load them up, so I'll try to post them on this thread, but it might not happen soon.
The ones I hatched will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. The ones I bought from Elizabeth are 3-4 days younger.

It's weird because I have a black copper marans that I hatched who had pasty butt for a few days but she cleared right up after the addition of acv to the water. This Marans is also growing much more rapidly then the 2 cuckoo Marans. They seriously look like I just picked them up; barely any feathering and are very small. They are lively and full of energy though so I know they are not sick... On the bright side, giving them a bum cut seems to have done them better. Just a small amount stuck when I went to clean them tonight.. One may have had a scab on her bum though.. Maybe another one pecked at her? I am not too concerned just curious. They all seem to be doing fine.

I looked at the 3 chicks I hatched to look for any sign of gender... I can't see any thing definitive. All 3 have small combs with very little color. The BCM has a faint orangish tint on her comb. I am hoping maybe I have 3 hens!

I guess you could try a little vaseline on their fannies, although it will attract dust, and offer a couple of high protein easily digestible snacks such as scrambled or chopped hard boiled eggs to stimulate growth. Can I ask what kind of chick starter you're using? Just curious because I had to buy a bag of Purina and I seem to have more pasty butts than when I was using the Sweeny's that's locally ground and mixed.
i need a bigger coop. hubby und i are thinking on getting a heartland shed kit and converting it in a coop. has any one done this?

Dnetschke, glad to hear your coop ist done, which wire are you planing to use for your run out of?
Here is what I did with a shed. The chickens have a pass through to the other side and the nesting boxes are inside the shed. There is also a roosting place inside the shed as well as on the left hand side of the shed.

coop area is attached to the shed and off the ground. The door is on the bottom and access to the nesting boxes is also through the coop.

nesting boxes are accessed from the inside of the shed. There is also an old kitchen cabinet for nesting boxes as well. The hens actually pere the cabinet. who knew

This is the addition I worked on this winter. I have 5 more chicks in the brooder so I needed more space.

motion sensor LED lighting is up in the corners of the shed on the outside. I thinks it helps deter would be predaters. I need to get some more pictures on the inside of the shed so I can show you the access and the cabinet nexting boxes as well.
I'm stuck between Amazon\ebay wire(whatever I can find), ReStore (if I'm lucky), or the Plastic version from Lowe's or Home Depot.
This will be my major expense in this project as I'm sure most of yall know.
I found the shipping on Amazon was quite a bit less. This made my decision pretty easy. I think it was 8 or 12 to ship. I got 100 feet so the box was quite heavy. good luck.
I guess you could try a little vaseline on their fannies, although it will attract dust, and offer a couple of high protein easily digestible snacks such as scrambled or chopped hard boiled eggs to stimulate growth.  Can I ask what kind of chick starter you're using?  Just curious because I had to buy a bag of Purina and I seem to have more pasty butts than when I was using the Sweeny's that's locally ground and mixed.

I bought nutrina.. It's all they had in medicated at big r.


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