
Offering up my acreage for anyone who needs temporary residence for their livestock because of the fire. 40 acres in WY. It's about a 3 hour drive from Colorado Springs but if you need it I'd be happy to help anyone out.
Ashdoes, those silkies are ssoooo cute!

wsmith, I can just see those hens giving the stank eye to the turkeys.
Again with a crisis, kiddos. I have 2 Pekin ducks, both female, who need a new home. They hatched 3/27/13 and are huge already. They were raised in a stall in the barn with an outdoor run and hardly ever leave. Well, a horse needs that stall now. They get along great with the chooks (ignoring them altogether). They lounge around the kiddie pool,which I can throw in, most of the day and come in with the other girls at night. If you have a bowl of peas they will follow you anywhere, but usually never go more than 10 feet from the run. They should start laying any day now, and eat the same layer feed the chooks do. It's a shame to see them go, but there just isn't room for them in the coop. Here's an older pic, they are quite a bit larger now. If you would like to see a newer version I can go get one. Thanks in advance
Again with a crisis, kiddos. I have 2 Pekin ducks, both female, who need a new home. They hatched 3/27/13 and are huge already. They were raised in a stall in the barn with an outdoor run and hardly ever leave. Well, a horse needs that stall now. They get along great with the chooks (ignoring them altogether). They lounge around the kiddie pool,which I can throw in, most of the day and come in with the other girls at night. If you have a bowl of peas they will follow you anywhere, but usually never go more than 10 feet from the run. They should start laying any day now, and eat the same layer feed the chooks do. It's a shame to see them go, but there just isn't room for them in the coop. Here's an older pic, they are quite a bit larger now. If you would like to see a newer version I can go get one. Thanks in advance

I've been trying to find a nice home for mine for well over a year. =) I have resigned myself to the fact that I will never find a place that will not eat them and don't have the heart to send them to their deaths because they really are gentle creatures. So that leaves me attempting to figure out a different setup for the winter as carrying water twice a day to give them dunk time gets a little old after a while.

If I ever get a better setup, I'd take them as overall I really like their personalities.
Again with a crisis, kiddos. I have 2 Pekin ducks, both female, who need a new home. They hatched 3/27/13 and are huge already. They were raised in a stall in the barn with an outdoor run and hardly ever leave. Well, a horse needs that stall now. They get along great with the chooks (ignoring them altogether). They lounge around the kiddie pool,which I can throw in, most of the day and come in with the other girls at night. If you have a bowl of peas they will follow you anywhere, but usually never go more than 10 feet from the run. They should start laying any day now, and eat the same layer feed the chooks do. It's a shame to see them go, but there just isn't room for them in the coop. Here's an older pic, they are quite a bit larger now. If you would like to see a newer version I can go get one. Thanks in advance

Hmmm.... I keep ducks. 1 khaki drake and 2 ducks. 2 weeks older than yours and fat and happy. Let me talk to my wife about maybe adopting these.
I can't imagine anyone would actually want to eat these beautiful birds
They are so sweet, but not in a tasty way, I assume. Now I think they would be happy just roaming around the nice big heated barn. It is winter that concerns me. I just don't know if they need a nesting box, hay, shavings, grass, etc? They were rescued when they were tiny from somebody who, ironically, didn't know how to care for them
If nobody rescues them (again) we'll just have to be super careful a 1200 lb saddlebred doesn't squish them.
Question for you guys! We're looking at a house in the Columbine Knolls area of Littleton. Any chicken keepers there? Any one know anything about it?

The wording is "No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shale be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purpose."
The wording is "No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shale be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purpose."
Ya, I love to rant. Chickens are labeled as livestock. According to HOA rules, they aren't allowed here either, even though every lot is at the least 7 acres of heavily wooded Palmer Divide land. It's not like me to turn in any neighbors, but every other house in this 'hood has chickens. They are only considered livestock if you plan on selling/butchering them for profit. If anyone raises a stink they can come visit and see that my girls are just pets. So what, they make breakfast. If that doesn't work they can talk to some lawyers (my next door neighbor happens to be a real estate lawyer with 7 hens). I can't wait for those so-called volunteers who collect HOA dues to try getting at my girls. They hate me already, for other reasons

Edited Wow, I just read that one again. It seems my rant didn't need any warrant, look at the last two words.
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