
Hi Everyone,

I am glad we don't have roos. I am just getting used to the ladies. One thing at a time I guess.

Well, here is an update on the screen door. Built one yesterday, installed it today. Cost $10. Had the lumber and hardware cloth on hand. Some of you may notice some resembance to the pictures you shared. I like knowing that we can increase the ventilation.

Here are acouple of pictures of our mystery breed of hen. We've identified all the other breed and hatch dates. Maybe you can help identify Big Smiles breed. She is my favorite. Very attentive to us. She comes to us for some loving and attention more so than the others.

Hi Everyone,

I am glad we don't have roos. I am just getting used to the ladies. One thing at a time I guess.

Well, here is an update on the screen door. Built one yesterday, installed it today. Cost $10. Had the lumber and hardware cloth on hand. Some of you may notice some resembance to the pictures you shared. I like knowing that we can increase the ventilation.

Here are acouple of pictures of our mystery breed of hen. We've identified all the other breed and hatch dates. Maybe you can help identify Big Smiles breed. She is my favorite. Very attentive to us. She comes to us for some loving and attention more so than the others.

My guess would be a White Rock. She has the stance, comb, etc of a Rock but I just noticed she has white ear lobes. That would mean Leghorn.
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Wow, jumping on your head is dangerous, might want to discourage that! Yep, they are all about the girls these days......
Yup, that's how I got pecked in the face this morning. I wasn't paying attention and he jumped up and got me. He's got a decent vertical jump for a tiny thing. This only started recently along with him trying to mate with everything (I think sometime last week). Like I said, most of the time he just likes to sit on my hand or shoulder and be carried around. Just have to readjust my behavior with him during this transition to warmer weather, I guess!

Do they calm back down in the summer or is it pretty much this feisty/gotta mate all the time until it gets cold again?
Well sadly, one will go as I just watched the video from yesterday and it was at least 40 minute battle to death. Neither was going to give up, I was unable to see what may have started it. My gut says that when Rocco got frostbite on his wattles he lost weight from not eating. My guess is Bruno has been challenging his alpha role. From the damage it looks like Bruno had the most bald spots and bloody spots. They have continued to fight through the fence today, Bruno is in the run and Rocco is out free ranging with the girls. We have to do this until tomorrow when we have time to deal with.

The only way it will work would be in they were separate like that one in the run while other has time with the girls. Seems like a lot of work.
Well sadly, one will go as I just watched the video from yesterday and it was at least 40 minute battle to death. Neither was going to give up, I was unable to see what may have started it. My gut says that when Rocco got frostbite on his wattles he lost weight from not eating. My guess is Bruno has been challenging his alpha role. From the damage it looks like Bruno had the most bald spots and bloody spots. They have continued to fight through the fence today, Bruno is in the run and Rocco is out free ranging with the girls. We have to do this until tomorrow when we have time to deal with.

The only way it will work would be in they were separate like that one in the run while other has time with the girls. Seems like a lot of work.
That's a bummer. :(
Hi Everyone,

I am glad we don't have roos. I am just getting used to the ladies. One thing at a time I guess.

Well, here is an update on the screen door. Built one yesterday, installed it today. Cost $10. Had the lumber and hardware cloth on hand. Some of you may notice some resembance to the pictures you shared. I like knowing that we can increase the ventilation.

Here are acouple of pictures of our mystery breed of hen. We've identified all the other breed and hatch dates. Maybe you can help identify Big Smiles breed. She is my favorite. Very attentive to us. She comes to us for some loving and attention more so than the others.

Was the screen door hard to make/install? I would like to have a few of them for each section of the coop I need to build pretty soon, but I'm not very handy. At all. It's terrible. I really need to think about signing up for FarmersOnly to find a handy boyfriend. ;)

Oh! And I don't know what breed she is, but I like that look Big Smile's is giving in that first picture! :)
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Hi Everyone,

I am glad we don't have roos. I am just getting used to the ladies. One thing at a time I guess.

Well, here is an update on the screen door. Built one yesterday, installed it today. Cost $10. Had the lumber and hardware cloth on hand. Some of you may notice some resembance to the pictures you shared. I like knowing that we can increase the ventilation.

Here are acouple of pictures of our mystery breed of hen. We've identified all the other breed and hatch dates. Maybe you can help identify Big Smiles breed. She is my favorite. Very attentive to us. She comes to us for some loving and attention more so than the others.

I was thinking white rock as well due to the shape and stance. Hmmm leghorn sure makes sense. I have one super friendly California white (it is a leghorn cross) and one that is beyond skittish.Top and bottom of the pecking order go figure.
You will know if she is leghorn if she lays you nice big white eggs. Her comb also looks too small for a leghorn. Never know until she lays and may not know then lol.
Nice work on the door. Double latches are a must IMO.

Only thing I would caution on is without corner braces it may try and warp on you. In the pic I had posted you can see the triangles in the corners. It has kept my door from warping very nicely. Mine are just pieces of 2x4 cut on a 45 degree angle and screwed in with 3 inch screws. Pre drill if you do any since they like to split. I pre drilled with an 1/8 inch drill bit.

I wish I could have a rooster. I miss having one. I had the bantam cochin roo years and years ago. He was super sweet and the ladies just ignored him since they were all big gals. LOL on that.
I was on Cackles site and WOW what a looker the Spangled OEGB is.
This one is going to be some sweedish pancakes this weekend. Its a recipie that was my great great grandmas. Its more like a crepe. ithe recepie happens to take 3 eggs. At least i can find out for sure if picking up that male toulouse gander was worth it. I have seen him trying to do his job but i dont know if he has made it to the mark. The plan is to hatch quite a few. And maybe supply some hatching eggs to some members here if they want them. Its all about fun and the experience of trying to hatch these eggs. They are a bit more difficult to hatch, i wish i would have known a few of the tricks when i hatched my tufted. Lol
Chicken chicks will generally try and get away form you a few days after they hatck. Ehere as the geese will bond with you and follow you around. Its very cute.
Swedish pancakes sound wonderful! Is that a Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday tradition? My mother always made Swedish pancakes with lingonberry jam for the night before Ash Wednesday.

If the recipe calls for 3 eggs, is that 3 goose eggs or does 1goose egg equal 3 chicken eggs?

Your description of the dear qualities of goslings makes me wish (again) that I had both a large enough yard and had it out of the city, so I could enjoy them for myself. Oh well, a tiny yard practically in Downtown Denver is what I have. Maybe I will just have to meet some more of you and go visiting! I got out to Calhan/corancher early last summer, and to 21hens in charge later in the year. I learned a lot! Starting in April I'd love to meet up, as some of you suggested.

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