
My broody should be on lockdown, Chicks maybe on Wed. with a snow storm coming in. If she were a mammal, I would bet money on it! I guess we will see what happens. She has been nicer this time around so maybe she will not attack from 10 feet away and only go off at 5 ft.
Best of luck!
Uzi and Ash such cute chicks, congrats! I am needing to dissenfect the bator and then candle the eggs for cracks and toss out those that don't look good. Hoping in the next couple days the bator will be full. Our cornish doesn't appear too serious as far as sitting on eggs, so we will see how that plays out.
It is good to have you back! Vicarious chickening is a nice way to save money until you get settled again. Just put the costs that you might/would be spending into a special account and you will have a nice "nest egg" for start-up.
I don't hear any peeps but my turnips, radishes and I think some wheat have popped.....
I get natural wood ash from a neighbor. He has a fireplace so it is a win win for us both. I sift it to get the big chunks out and mix it with pete moss for the dust bathing area.
My gals suffered through a mite infestation last year. The only ones that got them were the ones being broody and not dusting. I had to treat them with seven dust too. It was also isolated to the external nest boxes.
I have a lot of wild birds coming to the yard because of a lake close by so I worry about stuff they could bring in.

When I treated mine I took a rubermaid tote and mixed the seven with DE and wood ash then I set the chicken in the tub and went about rubbing it in really well. Still a messy and unwelcome process but worked for us. I sprayed the nest boxes with straight vinegar to get in the cracks and did not see another mite.

I heat with wood and have ashes that I put in the chickens favorite dusting hole, they never have vermin on their body.
So crazy! Here is my grandma today! They looked exactly the same as chicks!



My polish


The Partridge Rock, friendliest of the bunch, and her preferred resting spot if I'm anywhere near.

And on a sad note, I'm 99% sure my lone Iowa Blue is a Roo.
WOW they have grown.
My polish is still a bit smaller than the one you are holding.
Our Grandma chickens are turning out quite differently. Yours still has the "grandma" hair lol. She is cool looking with the flecks of white. Interesting that the body is keeping some of the white and the wings went all kinds of red on yours. Going to be a neat looking bird when all grown up.
My Partridge rocks are VERY adventurous. If the brooder is opened they are up and out to explore and then eventually get chased down by me to get back in the brooder. (Have to still keep them in it since the big gals have not yet been processed out of the flock. There are some really mean ones in my older girls.)
I would have to agree that your Iowa is looking rather manly.

My little Iowas are still little but getting some good feathering going on.
My hopeful broody...






Gave her a clutch of 8 after that, but she didn't stay on them long. She is crabby to everyone, so we will see what she and I can work out. ;)
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