
Hey Babs, Thanks.
I always forget those meets until about an hour after they're over
I REALLY need to try to remember and get there this time... EARLY!
I have so many irons in the fire right now, I don't think I can fit another! Want goats, but have no barn or enclosure for them, the property isn't fenced right for them, etc. etc. Kinda like buying the chickens and then building the coops (been there, done that!). Have the aviary netting for their runs and still haven't gotten that installed yet
... Ashamed to say I still haven't gotten the pop doors installed either... been trying for seems like forever, but work or weather or some other danged thing always gets in the way
I really hope the weather holds to forecast for this weekend and I can get both those items taken care of at long last. And my egg buyer/hatcher will be taking a month off very soon here in June, and I'm seriously considering buying an incubator... Like I need several hundred chicks running around on top of everything else? Need I remind myself I'm all by myself here and have no help? or that I'm working 50+ hour weeks and will continue to do so for probably the rest of the year? Sheesh!

So at the end of the work day, I'm standing at my work cart and the brand new boss (direct supervisor) comes up to me with the production schedule and it's 2 sheets vice one... I'm looking at it and my mind just can't grasp... I thought it was for NEXT week, but it's a revised for THIS week! They have now/are scheduling production for May 23rd... Ummm isn't that like the day after tomorrow? And isn't that like a Saturday? And isn't that like the 1st day of a 3 day holiday weekend? And isn't it kinda short notice to tell folks that they're expected to work it? Without even thinking I said quote: "I'm not coming to work this Saturday." Nice way to make a first impression on the new boss aye? Of course, if they need me, I'll be there...
I'm such a sap...

<sigh> Oh thing leads to another. enough ranting, Hope my bees aren't starving due to this freaking weather... Too cold to open them and check the feeders. Maybe Saturday... if I'm not at work...

My oh my sounds like you are a busy fellow.
My neighbors bees have been busy in my yard with anything that is blooming. I see them even in the rain. Poor dears, yours may need to get out and about.
I have missed an entire week at work being very sick. If I am not showing marked improvement by Monday I am going to cave and see a doctor.
I have a steadfast rule about doctors but will have to break that rule if this cough does not ease up.

HOPING beyond hope for sunshine.

The sun is peeking out here, but doesn't look like it will last long, as clouds are building to the north and west....... I think we had at least 1 1/2 inches of moisture, as woke up to snow this morning and the feed bucket I forgot to put away had LOTS of water in it!

Hope the bees are finding something to eat too! We have nothing budding out here yet, Aspen are maybe thinking about it, as are some of the wild bushes. Have seen a few humming birds in between the snow/rain, hope they are finding something to eat too.

Hope everyone gets over their colds and cough soon!!!!

Well if you do end up working this weekend, maybe by next weekend the weather will have changed an you can get all your "chores" done!
I think I also have the cough crud going on. My fever wants to break.. I'm weak, feverish, coughing. Just useless.

My muscovy Becky is hatching ccl x ac eggs right now. Eggs are popping in the incubator. And another muscovy Rosemary wants to hatch some eggs.

My bees are doing great. This weather is making me so miserable too.
Awww man... I feel for ya DK... sat on the end of the bed this am and bent over to pull up socks and started coughing so hard I nearly puked. Came out of nowhere and have been congested all morning. Haven't been around anyone sick, so no idea where it came from
up side is I didn't get called into work this morning
My bees seem to be doing well also. With all this bad weather, I'd hoped to get into them today to check and see if they need more sugar water. T-storm nearby, cool, windy, and spitting rain.
Grrrr. have to put it off again... Get some rest and hope you're feeling better soon!
Man so sorry you guys got sick too.
Mucinex DM, nyquil, dayquil those are the ones that have been helping me.
I am certain this rain has mold spores flourishing.
Still coughing a lung out today here too.

Yes mine came on really fast and hard as well. Had a sore throat around midday on Friday (over a week ago now) and Saturday when I woke up I could not focus since the room would not stop spinning. Never had a room spin so badly before. Only thing I could do was close my eyes. I spent almost the entire last week in bed coughing until I swear my ribs are cracked from it.

Hoping for sunshine as I sit here cursing the rain again today.

Morning everyone,

Had a loss this morning. Not sure why or how it happened but it was our most lively chick that was born a little over a month ago. They are all feathered out a lot...that goofy stage where they seem to be all wings and legs and not much else. Her name was Lucky. I found her on the coop floor looking like she got smashed, which is odd, because they've all been so good about getting out of the way of other chickens. I wish I knew what happened so I could prevent it in the future but I may never know.

Second, I have another chick who seems to be having trouble walking. Again, she is vibrant and lively and then two days ago I noticed she'd get up and hobbled little ways and then sit down. This morning she seemed maybe a touch better but I'm concerned for her future. Any ideas what could be happening?

The other two chickens seem fine, though the one is always small and sort of wimpy. I have to say that something isn't right with my roosters seed...seems all the chicks I get from him are rather lame.

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I dont know if its the weather we have been having or what but i have four broodies right now. A couple months ago we bought chick after chick with a description with "broody" on the label because we had never had a broody i was dying for one. Then 3 weeks ago one of our silkies that we got as chicks in october decided she was in the mood to brood. I was so happy and excited, i couldnt wait for little fluff balls. Then a few days later one of my barred rock x buff orpington cross found a little spot outside and decided she wanted chicks. If that wasnt enough, the next day her sister(same breed) partnered up with her in the same spot.Sadly a day or two later a raccoon found there little spot and killed and ate the first of the sisters along with a few eggs. We got over it and put the other hen and the remaining eggs in a safer spot in the predator proof shed. She stayed in there for about a week when she decided she had it and ate some of her eggs. I thought she was done but as it turned out someone left the door open and she left back to her first unsafe spot. Because i didnt want to maker her mad, i put a cat kennel in her spot so she could set in there.That night i went to close up all the birds and i find my russian orloff and another of the mixed breed sisters sharing a nesting box. That was a week ago and i think its stressing me out thinking of how many chicks im going to have. Now im wating as my silkies eggs hatch and trying to come up with a plan to sell a few chicks.

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