
wow... TWO eggs in the boxes at feeding time this morning and no evidence of egg eating (yet) today! There may be hope for these biddies after all. I'm one egg away from having a box of 18 on the table... Only took me 2 weeks to get here!
Wow, so many posts to catch up on after being off for most of the weekend! Lowes or Home Depot sell shed kits, so all you have to do is put them together, and you should find someone local fairly easily.

Yep, hate the wind here too, tons of snow in my coop yard that needed shoveling, I am really going to rethink that this coming spring!

Older hens are finally laying again, not very often, hope they hurry up and get with the program, as I HATE having to buy eggs from the store. I also have an egg eater, at least I think I do, as no eggs in that pen for almost two months now, kinda strange!

Suns out now, but they did say overcast on and off for a few days, and looks like the snow is here to stay for winter! Happy Solstice and Happy Winter...... and days will be betting longer from here on out!! YAY!

I did a test hatch on my Marans, but fertility was not the best, hope it is the season and will try another test batch in the late winter with better results!

C'mon SPRING!!!
wow... TWO eggs in the boxes at feeding time this morning and no evidence of egg eating (yet) today! There may be hope for these biddies after all. I'm one egg away from having a box of 18 on the table... Only took me 2 weeks to get here!

Makes me wonder what you are doing right.
Hope y'all are having a great holiday season! My car (a 2014) died while I was on my way to work on Tuesday morning, so that's not really put me in a great mood. Especially since the dealership still hasn't even looked at it as of today. However, it has given me the opportunity to spend more time with my grandparents and I really like that. We took them to see Star Wars last night and I got to talk about and show pictures of all the birds and my dogs while we were waiting for the movie to start. I'm very grateful to be able to do that. I hope everyone here gets to have a pleasant rest of 2015. :)

Merry Christmas fellow Coloradoans. Thanks for all you've shared over the past year, good and bad. Wishing you all have the best new year ever. Enjoy the holidays, be safe, be happy!
Well, today was not fun...I thought my favorite lady was egg bound. She was lethargic and wouldn't even eat treats. I researched and did the warm bath, calcium (nothing was opened so I went with tums and yogurt), and kept her inside. No egg but she did eat and drink a bit. We decided to keep her where she is for the night. Just hoping that she is ok :( Hope everyone in CO had a good day.

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