
My ducks have been loving this rainy weather. Anyone else?
The raggamuffins get to be so demanding once they've had a taste of the yard! Mine are practically carrying the brooder outside because they want to get back on with their adventure time. They don't realize outside is white and cold this morning!!

I had one quail hatch last night as I slept, my fingers are crossed for more action today!!

Happy Monday all!

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That sun out there feels so nice! Now the girls can lamb all they want. I have been stressing....
The chicks can get outside too. Didn't want the power to go out on them in freezing weather and by the time the next storm comes, they will be just fine anyway.

What a cute quail! Miss the eggs but not the work for them up here......
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I have one broody sitting on 8 eggs for 4 days. Took a peak at a few and have veins in the ones I could see into. Second hen decided to join the party and gathered 6 eggs the next day. White eggs already have veins.
How you doing Mo?
Hello everyone,

Update on all my new babies. My original flock has started laying sporadically again. Averaging 2 eggs a day from the 10 remaining girls. Hoping they keep improving. My new flock is 11 weeks old now. Seems 2 of 15 and oddly they are 2 of 3, Morans, are roosters. Oh well,I picked up a couple of other girls already to replace them. Had suspicions a few weeks ago. The two replacements are 6 weeks now. They are housed with my son's 8 Easter Eggers. So I have 37 birds in my backyard. Sound familiar to anyone. LOL Building a bigger coop, that should be done soon. Going slower than I would have wanted, but I was in no hurry, Ready for it to be done now.
Has them all ranging in the backyard today. They all stayed with their own age groups. Very little interaction, but no squabbles either. I'm taking that as a good sign.
Hope Springs is finally here and everyone can enjoy better weather.

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