
Yeah, someone else on another thread just shared a You Tube video showing how that IR scanner works... It's a cell phone back cover for Iphones that gives the camera an IR capability. The person just holds it over the keypad after you've moved on and takes a picture of the heat variations on the keys. Aside from touching a bunch of keys, you can also lay your hand on all the keys after you've done the pin entry so they all show heat.

I feel for ya Auntie... with a traveling spouse, tracking expenditures has to be a royal PITA!
38,000 acres...8 homes destroyed. There was a story of a firefighter that let his house burn so that he could help a neighbor save their home. He lost everything, that is an amazing sacrifice to make for another....

My prayers go out to my fellow Coloradoans that are dealing with this season's wildfires.
Thank you. Hub was helicopter dumping water buckets for a day and leading communications w all involved for two days from the Boulder airport. Friends live up in the area. We text and check in everyday. Scary!! Saw some firefighters in the grocery store. Dirty and smoky. I told them thanks. Read a story anout a woman who rode her horse and pulled her daughter's pony to safety jumping THROUGH flames. So sad. They made it out but had to leave other horses behind. No time!! I can't imagine the stupidity or carelessness of the people who did this. How do you even begin to think about it all being prevented?
Thank you. Hub was helicopter dumping water buckets for a day and leading communications w all involved for two days from the Boulder airport. Friends live up in the area. We text and check in everyday. Scary!! Saw some firefighters in the grocery store. Dirty and smoky. I told them thanks. Read a story anout a woman who rode her horse and pulled her daughter's pony to safety jumping THROUGH flames. So sad. They made it out but had to leave other horses behind. No time!! I can't imagine the stupidity or carelessness of the people who did this. How do you even begin to think about it all being prevented?

I saw the video of the wildfire and it is chilling to see how fast and alive that fire becomes. I'm not sure if we can prevent stupidity... But it's makes me think twice about having an escape/emergency plan in cases like this! I would not have been prepared!
Thank you. Hub was helicopter dumping water buckets for a day and leading communications w all involved for two days from the Boulder airport. Friends live up in the area. We text and check in everyday. Scary!! Saw some firefighters in the grocery store. Dirty and smoky. I told them thanks. Read a story anout a woman who rode her horse and pulled her daughter's pony to safety jumping THROUGH flames. So sad. They made it out but had to leave other horses behind. No time!! I can't imagine the stupidity or carelessness of the people who did this. How do you even begin to think about it all being prevented?

Well you tell your husband what a wonderful person that we think he is for the dangerous job that he does for the people of Colorado. (Don't ask me to write that twice....)

Thank you so much for living here amongst us.....
We are in southern Fremont county and the smoke and ash has been terrible. Thankfully we are not in the path of the fire. I hope everyone and their flocks are doing well and in no danger.
I've made an evacuation plan for all my animals tho, we lived in Florida for a while and had evac bags for each family member due to hurricane season, until this fire I didn't think to do something similar now that we are back home.
Saw two shadows moving in the street ahead of us as I was walking the dogs. Got closer and they stopped along the fence. One took off but managed to get this picture.

My dogs don't normally bark at wild animals but they went crazy. I stood there for a while and let them put some fear into it. Hopefully it will associate their smell with the experience in the future and avoid my place.
People don't think there are predators near them because they are in a nice neighborhood, or in the city... Man, if they only knew!

Yeah and coons can be mean......we had a boar coon last year visiting our property, he luckily didn't try to break into the coop. I kid you not he was the size of our smallest dog who is about 40 lbs. we saw it on our security cameras and thankfully he didn't mess with us. We had four dogs at the time one of which was an Anatolian mix and they definitely would sound off if they hear the coons at all. Also our neighbors chickens are fair game as they don't always have their run together, kinda sad to see the losses they go through when most could be prevented.

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