
we use wood chips. works just fine. I rake it pit once in a while and put old stuff around my trees and new stuff goes it. Do it every several month. Mine free range, so do not do it very often as they like to run about...

I actually emptied my brooder into my compost pile for the first time the other day just before it rained. So I have an idea of what it will smell like. There was a slight smell, a combination of woodiness and ammonia. Not horrible. I turned it with a rake and it was fine. I am definitely going to go with grass clippings and yard debris combined with wood chips for the run.

Just wanted to share some recent pics!

So I normally sleep with the bedroom window open and a fan blowing in fresh air. Yesterday evening it was rather cool and windy so I left the fan out but kept the window open. This morning I was plenty warm under the covers but when I got out of bed it was COLD in there! So I did my thing and came out, opened the front door and the back slider for fresh air, and realized... it was cold! It was reading 42 on my outside thermometer and the computer was telling me it was 37. There's FROST on the neighbor's roof! When did summer go away? I'm sitting here wearing jeans, a flannel shirt over a T, and fuzzy slippers. My feet normally sweat, but they were cold too. This is gonna get the leaves turning pretty quick. Folks with gardens are gonna need to get harvesting here pretty quick too.
Hello! I am nesting in Golden, Colorado! We have had chickens for a few years now! One of your chicks from the this year is a rooster. He is King Henry the 8th! Unfortunately, we aren't able to keep him. He is very well mannere, not crazy. Anyone around interested in giving him a good home to roam and crow and all that good stuff? He's a cuckoo maran. we got him initially for the dark brown eggs but that's not happening. Sad to have to let him go but would be happy if he went to better country living. Let me know if you're interested!

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