
not more than a couple of minutes old!
Must have his nose up where it shouldn't be.

After the skunk attack, I had some help moving the Bro Coop over to the younglings' pen, divided the interior space in half since Memnoch and Mercury roost in there at night (for now), and started putting them in there at night. It took them less than a week to get used to roosting in there. They even started putting themselves up for the night!

Ronan's tail feathers still look pretty ragged from the fight. He's growing out a lot of the thin, long feathers, but the large, flat tail feathers are taking some time to pop back out.

Lucien is new favourite photo subject, despite the fact that he apparently has a mutation that's causing his earlobes to be green instead of black. I did have a few suggest that he isn't really an Ayam Cemani, but I trust the breeder I got the eggs from. This breed is turning out to be... interesting, to say the least.

The peahens have been on a roll lately. They keep hazing the rabbits, the younglings, and my dogs! I was very surprised after this picture was taken when the peahen rushed the dog and the dog didn't react. She just kept walking away.

Hi Ya'll!
I have not been on much lately and just got caught up on all the posts. Been doing a lot of working and then there is the garden and all the tomatoes.
Welcome to all the new folks. Latestarter is right this is a pretty great group of folks.
Latestarter, I certainly hope you will still pop in for a chat from time to time. You have a great sense of humor and I rather enjoy your comments.

This next weekend is going to have to be the big move for the young chickens. Integrating is such fun.

Itty Bitty is still being a super mom and taking great care of her charges. I let all the grown chickens out this afternoon so they could get to know each other before I go flipping around where they live. Not much exciting as they all stayed close to the runs they are used to. I cannot blame them as Bitty kept sounding the hawk alarm. (NO there was no actual hawk just some jays eating all my apples) The Tow Yard Leghorn and Bitty squared off for a few minutes through the wire. Bitty will not be living with the tow yard chickens so I am not worried there. I am planning to move the tow yard chickens into the big coop and put Bitty, babies and the dark brahma Cinders in the tow yard coop. Cinders is having some trouble with a pendulous crop and is becoming a target in the main coop. Bitty and Cinders were good together and I hope they will be again.

Tomorrow they will all be out most of the day as I have a lot of harvesting and yard work to do so can attend to them. It may prove to be more interesting lol.

Congrats on the boys settling in Uzi. It has to be a relief to have them sorted out and the coop reinforced.

Well it is dark now and I am sure I should close the coops. The dogs ran a coon out of the yard this am and I do not want it thinking I am running a buffet.
:love. Too cute!

Congrats on splitting the coop and those boys adjusting, also too funny about the peahens terrorizing the dogs. Our dogs don't mess with our chickens, they definitely steer clear of our roo.

It's pretty funny right now. I just need to make sure they don't try that with any other dogs. Just because Arya & Toki won't attack them doesn't mean my brother's or any other dogs in the neighbourhood won't (that's what I'm worried about).

I'm still trying to figure out how to rearrange my birds for integration. I'm definitely going to need to move my AC girls into the main area soon as they should start laying anytime now. Odysseus halfheartedly has sparred with Ronan & Lucien, but I'm not sure about moving those 3 into the same coop. I'll have to try some experimenting while the weather is still good.

Would any of you know where to score some barley/wheat/etc seeds for sprouts/fodder? I wanted to try that this year, but I have no idea where to get the correct seeds for it.
Two Welsummer roosters for free. Ended up with two roosters out of my 5 chicks.... Bummer. Very pretty birds. Soon to start crowing and as I live in the city limits of Colorado Springs and they are illegal , soon to be in the stew pot. I will deliver within 75 miles.
It's pretty funny right now. I just need to make sure they don't try that with any other dogs. Just because Arya & Toki won't attack them doesn't mean my brother's or any other dogs in the neighbourhood won't (that's what I'm worried about).

I'm still trying to figure out how to rearrange my birds for integration. I'm definitely going to need to move my AC girls into the main area soon as they should start laying anytime now. Odysseus halfheartedly has sparred with Ronan & Lucien, but I'm not sure about moving those 3 into the same coop. I'll have to try some experimenting while the weather is still good.

Would any of you know where to score some barley/wheat/etc seeds for sprouts/fodder? I wanted to try that this year, but I have no idea where to get the correct seeds for it.

Feed stores will carry a 50 lb bag of wheat for livestock. Sprouts great for the birds. Some carry barley too.
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