
I'm drowning in eggs. My 2/16 pullets took a break a month ago and now I'm up to 8 a day. The rest are all thinking about it. Can't believe how much extra feed they are eating in this weather. Need to work harder on a sustainable compost pile.
Well, it seems whatever we do, there is always somethin'......
I plan on hatching some of my eggs again this Spring. I will have the Mountain Mutt thing going on, this time with a strong Icelandic influence.
I'd like to hatch some of my eggs this year (need more layers) but I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile to sell some of the extras to help offset feed costs. Do any of you sell straight run chicks or started pullets? I'm wondering if there was a real market for it. I think I would just butcher any unsold males. I'd probably be selling EEs mostly, maybe some BBS Ameraucanas.
I have done very well selling POL pullets ($20-25). The years I was serious about it I sold over 100 and probably could of doubled that. My profit was $6-8/bird. A bunch of roosters will kill your profits.
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I've recently been thinking about starting up a project & I wanted to ask everyone for their input. As some of you know, I came to chickens after a bad car wreck & a tiny rooster adopting me a few months after it. Same people might also remember how my current day job is discriminating my disabilities from the car wreck. Well, over the course of last year, my work situation caused my TBI symptoms to regress hard. I was having moments where I could read, write, or understand people when they spoke to me. Things haven't been going well, to say the least. Last week, I finally had my super belated mid-year review with my supervisor & it was the kick in the pants that I needed to make a change.

My question is, do you think there's a reasonable need for a rooster "rescue"? I know people are always trying to sell them, but would it be good to have a place to give unwanted roosters that the people don't want to be eaten? It just feels like something is trying to tell me something by sending all these random male birds my way. Just wondering if there's an actual need for a bird rescue or if I need to think of something else to do.

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