
In other news, old mean rooster out, sweet new rooster in. Isn't he handsome??
My first true Ameraucana.

@Robilyn81 He's very handsome. Is he Wheaten? Are you planning on breeding some EEs or OEs?

I'm not too sure there's much hope for my neighbor. Her tone and facial expression suggested she thought I was the ignorant one. I guess that's what caught me off guard. She was just so sure her hens laid 4 eggs a day. I knew no matter what I said she wasn't going to change her mind. But honestly I just had to laugh at the whole conversation when I got home. Hope she isn't disappointed in her new hens.
@Robilyn81 He's very handsome. Is he Wheaten? Are you planning on breeding some EEs or OEs?

He is a splash wheaten, and a light one at that, but he's still young. I mostly wanted him because he is sweet-tempered and pea-combed, he was a cull from someone's Ameraucana project, but if one of the girls goes broody, would be fun to hatch some EEs!
unfortunately not ameraucana. He's an EE

Hes's a splash wheaten the breeder was giving away because his colors were too light for her project. I'm not breeding to standard or anything so I wasn't worried about that, just wanted a handsome flock protector. I guess you could call him an EE since his color is off but he did come from Ameraucana stock.
He is handsome. Hope he turns out to be a good protector. My Malcolm, a Blue AM, has been wonderful and I think it's partly a breed thing.

There's a new twist to the neighbor story. This morning while feeding my birds I heard crowing coming from their house. I really hope they got a rooster on purpose. Otherwise they were taken advantage of by the seller. If the seller told them they would get 12 eggs a day from 6 hens I wouldn't be surprised that they would sell a rooster as a hen.
Not sure how many eggs a rooster lays at all. :gig

My hens still lay one a day, unless they are molting, or winter, or feeling like taking a day off, or broody, or spooked by some shadow, or didn't like the treat of the day or an number of other reasons.

Usually I can count on about half of mine laying and anything else is a bonus!

I really hope they find BYC soon or that rooster may be feeling the pressure!
Not sure how many eggs a rooster lays at all. :gig

My hens still lay one a day, unless they are molting, or winter, or feeling like taking a day off, or broody, or spooked by some shadow, or didn't like the treat of the day or an number of other reasons.

Usually I can count on about half of mine laying and anything else is a bonus!

I really hope they find BYC soon or that rooster may be feeling the pressure!


Well, I wasn't expecting this when Damien decided to adopt me 2yrs ago. I thought it would take years for him to get this large. Top: a week or two ago; Bottom Left: a month or so after he showed up; Bottom Right: November last year. He doesn't fit in the covered pen anymore, so I'm going to have to raise the netting a few feet. The two females still seem fairly uninterested in anything that doesn't involve chasing the dogs around.

Odysseus has decided to start living with the peafowl. I figure if they let him, that keeps Memnoch from attacking him every morning. All the boys with the large combs are healing up. Ronan is still in the process of losing his tips, but Memnoch & Lucien have recovered pretty well. I should be getting a straight run of Olandsk Dwarfs in April & then I'm hoping to focus on hatching some peachicks this year.

Things at me day job have somehow gotten worse. I was reprimanded last week for not doing things my disability keeps me from doing. I did go to HR & back to the lawyers to see what can be done about this since its in writing, on CPW's FMLA forms, it was cleared with my previous manager/supervisor & HR, nothing's changed since I came back to work after the wreck. If worse comes to worse, I can withdraw my retirement savings with PERA to pay bills for 2yrs while I look for a job. Hopefully, something I've applied to recently will be an option so I don't have to do that.

I'm just thankful that Odysseus adopted me when he did & the same with Damien. Working on getting my dogs to coexist with the birds is a good way to help me compartmentalise work from the rest of my life so I don't get help falling into that depression pit. Thank you everyone here for always giving me info & helping do my best with animals I know nothing about.

Anyhow, I hope y'all are doing well & I can't wait to see your hatchlings since I probably won't get any this year.
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