
Cute. Are those octopus tentacles I spy? I'd like to see the full sculpture.
It is! It just got done with the bisque firing (waiting for the glaze I ordered for it to show up), and some of the suckers fell off. I think it might be the heaviest piece I've put in the kiln so far. My dragon vase might beat it in size. (pictures are before firing)



Loveland? I'm there with my espresso trailer.
No, just here in Brighton. I definitely don't think I have good enough work for a Loveland craft show! Although, I was pretty convinced I wasn't going to be accepted in Brighton. :)
:barnie Came home to find our neighbor rolling our spare truck tires out into the middle of the field! (Caught her in the act) Apparently she didn't like that they were near her fence/property line, but they were in our yard. So yeah, she came in our yard, took our tires and tried to dump/dispose of them in the open space behind our lots. Ugh. She doesn't like that I have chickens and a firewood pile and yard tools that can be seen from her house. She has said as much before. We try and keep things tidy, but on the plains when you don't have trees, everybody's business becomes everybody's business. I bought 100ft of fencing to expand the run and add a skirt just yesterday, I guess we'll be using that to fully divide our lot from hers first instead. Yes, ideally I would love a 6ft wood privacy fence around our entire property, especially with the coyotes lately, but is not in the budget right now.
Sorry to hear that. That is kind of what is keeping us from building/moving to Ranch of the Rockies. Afraid that the "neighborhood" might be a little too "rich" for my liking. I guess I am just a hick that grew up in the country and now has to play nice with the city folk.
Sorry to hear that. That is kind of what is keeping us from building/moving to Ranch of the Rockies. Afraid that the "neighborhood" might be a little too "rich" for my liking. I guess I am just a hick that grew up in the country and now has to play nice with the city folk.

Ranch of the Rockies is nice. I think they might have an HOA though, definitely something to look at before making the move. We really liked Warm Springs until we read their covenants.
It is! It just got done with the bisque firing (waiting for the glaze I ordered for it to show up), and some of the suckers fell off. I think it might be the heaviest piece I've put in the kiln so far. My dragon vase might beat it in size. (pictures are before firing)View attachment 1336409
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No, just here in Brighton. I definitely don't think I have good enough work for a Loveland craft show! Although, I was pretty convinced I wasn't going to be accepted in Brighton. :)
That is awesome. :eek: I love it. As a fan of steampunk I can’t help but like all things octopus.
It is! It just got done with the bisque firing (waiting for the glaze I ordered for it to show up), and some of the suckers fell off. I think it might be the heaviest piece I've put in the kiln so far. My dragon vase might beat it in size. (pictures are before firing)View attachment 1336409
View attachment 1336410
View attachment 1336411

No, just here in Brighton. I definitely don't think I have good enough work for a Loveland craft show! Although, I was pretty convinced I wasn't going to be accepted in Brighton. :)
. Brighton is a good place to start. Right price too. Test the market and see what people respond to. Come up to Loveland and measure up the competition. I don't think the show is judged. Last year they were accep
ting artists past the deadline and had lots of open spots. I try to talk to all the vendors and many travel from out of state so they're making some real $$$.
Too bad I've got a bike race scheduled that day.
I feel like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back with these birds. :he

I finally got the broody hen to settle in one box a week ago. She ruined so many eggs before that. Now it seems I might have an egg eater as I've found one broken egg in the next box the last three days. It doesn't make any sense because their food has plenty of protein and oyster shell is out all the time. One of the eggs was broken open but didn't look like it was eaten. I'm hoping it was boredom from being stuck inside because of the wind and it will stop. :fl Otherwise I'll have to figure out who it is and deal with that.

I had to completely rethink the cover for my quail run; the winds ruined my tarp. I thought if I went with bird netting it would be better because it's so light and there isn't much for the wind to catch. I was wrong. I finally got a chance to put the new top on and got the poor quail out of the barn on Sunday. This morning I go out to check on them and the netting is half off the run. I lost maybe 3 or 4 quail; they probably flew right out the top. The saddest part is that one of the missing is my only silver quail. :hitI really wanted to hatch some more. I wasn't going to hatch any quail yet but I'm going to put all the eggs I have in the incubator. I'm hoping my mom hasn't eaten the dozen I gave her.

I just have to keep in mind it could be way worse. My heart is with the first responders and the victims of the 117 fire. :hugs
@lomine the wind has been a real beast lately. I'm sorry your quail have gone :(

We've been having coyote problems lately in addition to the bipolar weather. They even went after my neighbor's large dog while she was out with it and the other day they were approaching me while hunting my birds. No one saw or heard them yesterday, so hoping they have moved on.

Spring is time for coop and garden improvements, but between the wind and the random snow the weather isn't exactly cooperating.
Hi fellow Coloradans! I'm wondering if anyone knows of CO hen rescue organizations...I'd love to adopt some retired/battery/factory/aged/unwanted hens to give them a peaceful mountain home to live out their days, but a thorough Google search turned up nothing in our state - I looked at everything from farm animal sanctuaries to local humane society shelters...but no hens up for adoption. What gives?! Is anyone out there?! And if you are in the Front Range area and looking to re-home hens or cull your aging flock, please contact me because I'd be happy to provide these ladies a loving retirement home in our backyard coops.

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