
Howdy from Ft Collins, glad to have you join us! In the city proper, you can have 4 chickens (no roos) and a permit is required, which is I believe about $10 or $15 per year. Our back property line is also the city limit, so we're technically in the county. Here we're allowed to have 6 hens (no roos) and no permit is required.

Sorry I can't help with housing. We do have one house on our block that's a rental, but it's occupied at the moment. You might check the Ft Collins Coloradoan, which has the want ads on their website.
Howdy from Ft Collins, glad to have you join us! In the city proper, you can have 4 chickens (no roos) and a permit is required, which is I believe about $10 or $15 per year. Our back property line is also the city limit, so we're technically in the county. Here we're allowed to have 6 hens (no roos) and no permit is required.

Sorry I can't help with housing. We do have one house on our block that's a rental, but it's occupied at the moment. You might check the Ft Collins Coloradoan, which has the want ads on their website.

Thanks so much. I will look at Coloradoan. I will be going for house hunting trip in the beginning of December.
DH just applied for a job in Washington, D.C. Part of me hopes he gets it as it would guarantee continued employment after he is out of the army but part of me really doesn't want it as I'd have to give up the ladies and live in an apartment. :/ I don't even know if there are areas around there that allow chickens. I will probably keep stressing until we get an answer. They closed applications and are reviewing now. It would be 5 months from now before he'd be filling the position but yeesh. We talked about possibly moving to Utah or even, briefly, Kansas. DC came out of the blue but the job was a perfect match for him so he applied.

I know how you feel. Hubby has 5 years left and I'm already stressing about what's next. He'll be able to work practically anywhere, but of course, that means we could be moved ANYWHERE. Good luck!
HI Everyone!!!

My husband got out the military and got a job in Colorado. We are moving to Ft. Collins right after Christmas. We are hoping to find a home to rent in the Poudre School district, that is also is dog and chicken friendly. I have been dreaming about having chickens for over a year now. Done all my research, just doesnt seem to be that many rural or chicken friendly rentals out there. I was hoping that if you knew an good place to look?

We need a 3 or 4 bedroom.
We have four kids and a beagle.
Our budget is up to 1350. 

ANy insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks so much

You might want to consider Loveland as well. No permit required for chickens and you can have as many as you can care for (no roosters in city limits). :) Prices are also less here but, to be honest, they are on the rise in both Loveland and Ft Collins. They had a report in the paper today that the average apartment rental across these two cities is over $1000! You can BUY cheaper than that! And Loveland is generally cheaper. When we first moved here, hubby worked in north Ft Collins and we rented in Loveland. We just never left. We love it here. :) Now he works in Denver. That commute sucks but the pay is too good to go anywhere else.
Well, I missed the chicken swap. Oh, well... We will make some more fliers and post around instead. I ended up fighting insomnia last night and the 5am wake up to get to the swap by 7 just wasn't happening.

DH is currently out seeing if he can find any more boxes of twinkies. :rolleyes: Someone has a box on eBay listed for 3 million. :lol: At least he is more realistic. Figures if we wait a week they may be worth 20 and if not then he will eat them. Who knew there'd be such a madness for this stuff? Anyone else stocking the Immortal Food?
I know how you feel. Hubby has 5 years left and I'm already stressing about what's next. He'll be able to work practically anywhere, but of course, that means we could be moved ANYWHERE. Good luck!

Thanks. Our complication is that my DH is specialized. He works with safety and chemicals, so that is a hard area to find employment in w/o a masters.
Busy day. Got up at 5:30 and processed the turkey. He dressed out at 11 lbs. Then we finished the rolling cages, framed up the last of the pen fronts, cleaned up the entire area, made two mouse trap boxes, and filled one of the compost bins. Very tired. but i think we are ready for the NPIP inspection on Monday.

The view of our chicken operation from the roof of the house.

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