
woohoo!! my EE FINALLY started laying!!! She's only about 8.5 months old
She lays a mint green egg

My 4 yr old asked if that is where green eggs (from Green Eggs and Ham) come from. lol
Anyone know anything about Wyandottes? I've got two and they are not nice at all. A few months ago my big girls were pretty mean to the Cochins but they're all finally doing ok, except the Wyandottes. They peck anyone getting too close to them, meaning chickens, not people. I just really don't like them right now. They'll be six months next week, and I'm thinking about getting rid of them, along with the one Cochin Roo. You think the Wyandottes will change at all? Or are they just going to get worse?
I just hope they are not those endangered $500 fine if your cat (or chicken) kills them mice.

$500 fine for killing a mouse?? I've never heard of such a thing! Thankfully I'm using a humane trap. No mice were harmed in their removal and relocation from the chicken coop. :) We caught another 3 last night! One escaped yesterday so we released the remaining 5 mice at a cemetery surrounded by an empty field. I figure, the residents of the cemetery won't mind the mice and the visitors will leave garbage and crumbs for the mice to scavenge. Win/win. :)

I also don't use supplemental light in the winter. It seems like it's their natural time to rest. However, perhaps I should add some light temporarily to get them to START laying. They are 21 weeks and while I know the BAs and EE are too young, the sex links SHOULD be laying right now! One has the reddest comb and wattles! She should have been laying weeks ago if the days weren't so short! It's a thought anyways.....
Then I guess 4G will do, excellent!
How wonderful you get to leave early! Woo hoo!!! I work from home Fridays, and today I actually just took a vacation day, so getting some housework done and then running to the grocery store for a few things I need for the week - wouldn't want to get near a department store or mall today unless they were giving away coops and runs LOL
How is Beth feeling?
Beth is feeling OK. considering that Monday was chemo. She made it down for dinner, then went back to bed.

Got home and found that the dark brown EE had gone over the fence, and had met the dogs... no damage, lots of squawking and a few feathers. Beth and Heather intervened before any real damage was done. I drove back to Lowe's and got some netting and 2 x 2s and put up 3 feet of netting above the 6 ft wood fence. I have to go back and get some more 2 x 2s tomorrow so I can do the rest. The netting was 7 ft x 100 feet, and we split it down the middle. Not quite enough to do the whole run, so I'll have to get another roll.
This is just what I'm looking for! I'm way down here at the bottom of Colorado in Trinidad. I've lived here for going on twenty years, and I don't know anyone around here who has chickens. Being farm county, I know they're here, but now I need to find them since I've taken up a quest. Here is the thread that I'm currently sponsoring.

I would really love to meet other chicken owners in my area for reasons stated in the thread, and ultimately arrive at a reciprocal arrangement with someone whereby I would adopt their flock should something happen to them and they would adopt mine if/when I die.

Meanwhile, there are all kinds of benefits of knowing other chicken owners in your area.

So, is anyone looking at this thread from Las Animas County? Please feel free to PM me.
This is just what I'm looking for! I'm way down here at the bottom of Colorado in Trinidad. I've lived here for going on twenty years, and I don't know anyone around here who has chickens. Being farm county, I know they're here, but now I need to find them since I've taken up a quest. Here is the thread that I'm currently sponsoring.

I would really love to meet other chicken owners in my area for reasons stated in the thread, and ultimately arrive at a reciprocal arrangement with someone whereby I would adopt their flock should something happen to them and they would adopt mine if/when I die.

Meanwhile, there are all kinds of benefits of knowing other chicken owners in your area.

So, is anyone looking at this thread from Las Animas County? Please feel free to PM me.
Looks like a good topic to discuss.

What kind of chickens do you keep?
I don't mind waiting. This is my first year with chickens. and I know I am being impulsive on the number of chickens I have/want and wanting so many different types.
I wonder if I can get some opinions here? I want to add some batams, maybe 5 or 6. They will have thier own little coop but be in the run with my other hens. I have no roosters. It is a large area; 100ftX50ft all fenced and covered. The large hens have a 10X24ft coop. I have 24 hens now.
I don't want to increase the # of hens, only cull a few and get a few more of different varieties. I have 6 barred rocks now and I think I want to try some RIR. Maybe get rid of 3 BR and get 3 RIR in the spring. I also have 7 EE'ers that are laying GREAT, big beautiful sky blue eggs. Pretty much get 5 or 6 a day. I might get rid of one or two of those girls just to make room for some new birds so I don't have everyone molting and no eggs all at once next fall. I have 5 welsummers ready to lay any day now and a 3 useless silver leghorns that I want to get rid of and replace with some anconas.
I think I would like to order the bantams and anconas from Duane Urch. Here is my question; if I want to end up with only hens, maybe on bantam rooster, how many chicks do you think I should order? Is twice the # safe or should I order more?  Oh, I really want a couple naked necks too, but is that just crazy to have so many different birds?

I have a lot of different types, and so far we seem to be doing fine. I have 4 naked necks, 2 of them are girls. right now the girls have bruises on the back of their necks where the boys grab hold during mating. Its definitely worrysome, so we'll be moving them to a coop where there is one boy to 20+ girls so there wont be too many boys going after them.

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