Colored chicks!! Updated Pictures July 7th!

Colors are lost as feathers grow out. It's just a temp stain. Some places dye before hatch some after, but they don't only color roosters, most are straight run leghorns or meat birds.
It will fade. But the first time I got colored chicks I got 1 purple and 1 orange. The purple was a white rock roo and the orange was a buff rock roo, so he did kinda stay orange... LOL
Here's some updated photos on the colored chicks. It is interesting to me how the feathers grow in and notice on each white wing tip there is a touch of the dyed color.....






My easter chick came with dark marking. His/her wing feathers are starting to grow and they are dark with gold/yellow spots. Not sure what it is yet.


Most if not all hatcheries color them while in the egg. They inject the dye via a small needle.

Not Ideal. This is copied from another thread.

12/04/2007 3:47 pm

Out Of The Brooder
From: Cameron, TX
Registered: 09/25/2007
Posts: 88
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Re: Dyed/Colored chicks @ Ideal Poultry?! Disturbing!!

I just want to clarify that the chicks are not dyed in the egg. The chicks that are dyed are primarily white leghorn males that would have been disposed of at a local leghorn hatchery that destorys the males as quickly as they are hatched. The chicks are colored with Adams food coloring and water and then put into an incubator to dry.

The poster that pointed out that it is the consumer's responsibility is correct. We have care instructions on each invoice and we also state in our sales information for the customers to check local and state laws concerning the sale of colored poultry. It is not illegal in Texas to dye chicks, actually only about 6-8 states haved banned the 'sale' of chicks within the state, even fewer have banned possesion, therefore they can purchase the chicks, they can just not resale them. But the laws do vary in some cases by city so we encourage our customers to be sure the chicks are legal in their jurisdiction.

As far as the colored chicks being meat birds only about 3000 of the 90,000 colored chicks we sell are meat birds. The others are male chicks that would have not made it out of the hatchery. If they can provide even a little joy for children for a while then why not offer that. Who knows it might just be the next subscriber to your board.

If you have any other questions concerning the process involved in dying chicks please contact me at [email protected]
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I learn so much from this site. You know I think that you are right about the part in bringing the young male chicks into a childs life and the possible education and recruitment of potential chicken fanciers. It seems that the parents should know that they are males prior to the sale, however. I would not like to get a chicken in my area for my child when my area that does not allow roos and it was already known it was a male. It only seems right if the sales are with full disclosure.

Oh no I just read this again. I sound like a pervert with the young males part
Sorry all
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Looks almost identical, minus the red, to one of the chicks in our brooder. I've been told ours is a brown leghorn. We'll have to compare pics once the color is gone from Darth Maul there.

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