Colored Egg June Adopt-An-Egg Hatch Along!

The porous ones always make me nervous, especially since they are harder to see in. I’m sad about the one scrambled Orpington, but shocked that was the only true damage. My fingers are crossed for you, also. Will you try candling this weekend at all? You’ll be gone for a bit, right?
I have a concert Sat evening, but we will leave earlier. Then I work on Sunday. But I will candle at sometime over the weekend.
After removing 5 clears and 1 quitter, I have 21 eggs left in the incubator.

@PippinTheChicken and @lilmillefleur since I had to remove your eggs, would you like to choose another? F3, blue egg, F8, brown egg, F9, green egg, F10, green egg & F12, tan egg, are still available!
I would like egg F3 please :D
Looks like maybe they are slower if they are furture from the heat thats what i noticed when mine where incubating

The eggs on the inside ring were definitely slower than the eggs on the outside. Next time I hatch I will move them, rotating the eggs from the inner ring of the turner.

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