Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

Oh my goodness, why do they have to be so aggravating??? Hurry up and pip already!!!
Ok now I'm worried

So I have been really good about leaving the bator alone and quietly peeking through the window....Both eggs are peeping to each other and one has 2 pips in the top/side all was going well I left for an hour and for some unknown reason my bator shot up to 102 degrees. once I realized it I adjusted it down and popped off the top to let some of the heat out. I added more water to my spones and closed it back up. Its back to 100.

Do you think they are ok? I am hatching these eggswith my 4-Hers and they are very excited about them. For a year the group has been wanting babies from my 2.geese ....eggs never arrived so I purchased some on I must be nervous I am just rambling on
I think you will be alright! I think the eggs sometime create heat when they hatch-try to keep the humidity up without opening the bator unnecessarily.
Hey Whipet.... that is a beautiful photo you are using for your avatar. Did you get it from Vicky?? I love the photos of her geese!
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Hi I'm not sure where it came from...I lifted it off of an e-mail a freind sent to me a couple of weeks ago

I hope that won't bother anyone...if it's someone you know I am happy to switch it out with something else. I wouldn't want to offend

... I too thought it was lovely and just popped it in when I was prompted to pick a picture for the message board.


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