Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

That is so cool that you named your seb tatiana; little sister (who died at 16 in a car accident) was named Tatiana....I am pregnant with my last child and we're hoping its a girl..since we have two boys...I've wanted a girl with every child just so I could name it after my lovely sister...I wouldn't change my boys for anything in the world..but I'd like a girl this time so I can name it after my sister....sorry to go off on a tangent...but I rarely see anyone with this name and you even spelled it the same as my sis....anywho..sorry for interrupting the post...
I just checked for pips. No pips. So misted the eggs and took the opportunity to run the light over them. All is dark and quiet but I think 1 is in the air cell now.

Send me good vibes ya'll!
Crossing my fingers for ya Ms Prissy!

And Caryn? is that your name?:
That is so cool that you named your seb tatiana; little sister (who died at 16 in a car accident) was named Tatiana....I am pregnant with my last child and we're hoping its a girl..since we have two boys...I've wanted a girl with every child just so I could name it after my lovely sister...I wouldn't change my boys for anything in the world..but I'd like a girl this time so I can name it after my sister....sorry to go off on a tangent...but I rarely see anyone with this name and you even spelled it the same as my sis....anywho..sorry for interrupting the post...

I am so sorry for your loss and hope that you last is a girl! I chose Tatiana, because of the origin of Sebastopols. Her first buddy was Sebastian, who turned out to be half wild and had to go because he was so mean. Her present mate is Valentin, tho I should have named him Sebastian 2 because I always want to call him Sebastian. He came as a teenager and has not warmed up to me the way Tati and Seb had, raising them from day old goslings.... I hope he will some day.

What an adventure this is!!!!

I so respect all of you on this post and what you are doing. Hope I can learn and get as good as you all are at it!

Urban Agrarian -- Farmer wannabe
2 eggs are rocking. They have moved from their position I the bator since I went to bed last night. I am thinking they will pip today. Yesterday around 9 pm was actually Day 28 for this batch.

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