Colored Sebastopal Geese - New Photos

No, that is incorrect. The humidity was never 80%. It hovered at 69%. Right now it is 59%.

In my hovabator I always boosted the humidity to 80% - 85% as instructed by several waterfowl specialists.
Oh MissP, I am so sorry.

My fingers are crossed that all will go well with the rest of the hatch and that nothing was compromised.

Are the goslings that are in the two eggs that you pipped still alive?
Oh no! I am crying with you.
We will all keep our fingers crossed for the remainders.

Have you candled any of the other ones as you haven't seen movement?
I also think that baby looks too wet and sticky. Is he doing OK???
.....and 80% humidity also seems way high.
I have an old Dickey (but I love him anyway... lol sorry couldnt resist). the temp stays at 99 and humidity stays right at 50%through out incubation. I candle them and mist them 1-2 times a week. I dont do the cooling off thing (although they obviously cool some when I candle them) and since the incubator rotates them I dont hand turn them either.
on the last few days I put the eggs ready to hatch in a styrofoam table top bator, and have humidity in the 65% range and mist them and candle them at least once a day.

The mold in the incubator is not good, but if you consider the dirty nests the hens set on, and how clumsy they are, I dont think you have to worry about over handling them or mold harming the egg. Those shells are pretty tough!
The humidity has not been above 69%. I am going to add a couple more therm/hydro meters to the cabinet and see how they vary. Right now it is 58%.
Miss Prissy, you certainly have been and are still going through a lot to get these sebbies! They are so worth it! You didn't say is the one that did hatch? I have been afraid to ask since I think you would have posted a pic if it were ok?

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