Comb development discoloration


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2020
Eastern Shore, MD
Checking to see if the discoloration is something that we should be concerned with, and if its a problem, seeking recommendations. Chicks are about 3 weeks old. The other 2 chicks combs look very clean. Thanks in advance


Thanks for the responses....

The color of the legs all look the same. If anything this one is slightly pale compared to the other 2.

I tried to get some close-ups. We spoke with the seller, and they suggested this one may have been getting pecked, however, we havent seen that happening.

We did notice that this chick was the first (by about a day or two) to have a lump on her forehead. It looked as if it was a tiny pimple until we realized it was the start of the comb. The other 2 chicks are coming in nicely (see last photo).

Going to try adding some vicks to see if that helps. It doesnt seem to phase this one. She is active eating and drinking.

If it was scratched or pecked, will this resolve itself? What else should be BOLO in terms of symptoms or color changes? R
ecommended Treatments?
Well. If it were mine, I would be inclined to leave it alone and see what it looks like in a few days. If injury, then it should resolve on it's own unless another chick begins picking at it.

I know sometimes we feel we need to do something, but sometimes a little time resolves a problem. I've had broken or cracked beaks, skinned and pecked combs, broken or missing toenails and various other minor injuries in my flock (even with chicks) and usually I don't do anything but monitor them to see how it goes.
Great job on the photos! Clear and well focused.

Wise advice from our @Wyorp Rock . It looks like a comb injury. Time will tell. If it's something to be concerned about, it will probably develop into something more than we see now. But I'm betting it will gradually disappear and the comb will revert to a normal appearance.
Thanks everyone. Will update in a few days.

This is our first foray into chickens.....So glad to have found this community to share information and ask novice questions.
We are glad you're here!
Oh boy, I think none of us every stop learning. Chickens are fascinating to me, there's so many wonderful folks here on BYC that are willing to help and share their experiences.

I don't think I ever gotten over chick jitters - I watch them like crazy and evaluate them all the time - looking at poop, toes, eyes, etc. and behavior. Behavior a lot of times is key with chickens. Observing your flock and taking note of each one how they "normally" act sometimes will help clue you in when something is going wrong. Chickens are very good at hiding illness, so you may not notice immediately.

Here's an example: I have a White Plymouth Rock. Every afternoon after she gets a treat, she goes to roost. Now. It's not time to go to roost yet, but roost she does! Give her about 20minutes and she jumps down and comes out. She has done this for several years, so this behavior is "normal" for her. Interestingly, when she takes to the roost in the afternoon, it's not her nighttime spot - she's not head hen - I've watched her on camera for years doing this and she gets next to the window looking out the back - it's almost like she's had her afternoon snack and is taking a break to look out the window:lol: Afterward, she comes out, eats/drinks and scratches around with the others until it's officially roosting time.
NOW - if any other bird I have suddenly went to roost like that, then I would watch them close for a little while - see what happens. If they don't come out, then I go get them and check them over. Knowing your individual birds' habits comes in handy.

Keep us posted on the chick - I'm interested to see what the comb looks like in a few days!

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