Comb Frostbite and Red Legs


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 17, 2014
Hi everyone, I live in Connecticut and we have been getting some below-zero temps at night recently. My rooster has frostbite on his comb. Any tips for helping him out? The coop is as free of drafts as it can be, but not heated. I have been putting Vaseline on his comb at night when it gets really cold.

His legs are also kind of red and irritated looking (although not looking quite as bad as they have in the past). I have been putting Vaseline or Neosporin on his legs/feet a couple times a week when they look irritated and it helps a little, but IDK what the underlying problem is.

There's a chance he will lose most or all of the tips. Sadly happened to mine. As long as it doesn't get infected he should be alright. I use bag balm. It helps with the frostbite and irritation. Do you have ventilation in your coop? And do you clean out the droppings regularly? That will keep the moisture down and also help prevent frostbite.
Thanks for the tip. What will happen -- will they just fall off? I clean the coop out twice a week. I could make it a little more ventilated...
They'll turn black and fall off most likely. And he'll have a mohawk like mine :)

If you apply something healing like bag balm it might help save part of it. But I've never had luck once it starts to turn. I'd really focus on the legs too to prevent losing toes. It's good you clean it so often and if you can add ventilation I would, but if you can't now at least you know what do plan for before next winter.
My rooster got a bad case of frost bite the other day, even with the Vaseline. I'm going to put some salve on it to help it heal. Your rooster will likely lose his spikes like @BayBay Peepers rooster.

Here's my RIR rooster after he healed from a bad case of frost bite last year ^

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