Ended Comb Photo Contests 2014!

This is Mr. Roo, He is my Silver Laced Wyandotte.He is about a year a half old.
He is the best rooster I have had by far!
He has a rose comb!

Pictures don't belong on this thread, this thread is for questions and information about the contests. The 1st post of this thread gives instruction on how and where to post your pics. Links to each comb specific thread are typed in blue lettering in the 1st post.

For you your rose combed chicken belongs in this thread
hi- i have a kinda dumb question. are wattles part of the comb? or contest?
ty very much
(the reason i ask is because my guys wattles are Magnificent)
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would a silkie (hen) comb fall under walnut or cushion? there are a few variations of silkie combs, so im not sure where it would fall
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