Comb turning purple towards top?


8 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Phoenix, Arizona
Today I noticed that one of my girls a buff orpington's comb has started to turn almost purple towards the top, when I touch it she doesnt seem to be bothered by it, but I'm worried maybe she is getting sun burned? It's up in the 100's here right now but the girls always have a lot of water, misters ect. She is acting normal. I also noticed a few of my others birds combs are doing it as well! Does anyone have any ideas?
Don't worry about it. Combs change colors all the time in response to a variety of things such as ambient temperature, hormone levels, humidity, blood oxygen saturation levels, light levels, etc. Comb color is an imperfect indicator of chicken health, so sometimes the color changes are significant, but often it means nothing at all. Unless your birds are showing more concrete signs of a health problem, I would not worry about it.

Good luck.
Don't worry about it. Combs change colors all the time in response to a variety of things such as ambient temperature, hormone levels, humidity, blood oxygen saturation levels, light levels, etc. Comb color is an imperfect indicator of chicken health, so sometimes the color changes are significant, but often it means nothing at all. Unless your birds are showing more concrete signs of a health problem, I would not worry about it.

Good luck.
LCARTER. As long as your Buff Orpington is eating/drinking, acting normal...I wouldnt worry about it.
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