Combating Shipping Stress


Nov 17, 2018
Hi all! On Friday, I received my first ever batch of Coturnix quail, and I am having a bit of trouble. Important info:

Quail chicks are approximately 4 weeks old and have feathers (some still growing in)
Quail were shipped from Ohio to my post office in upstate NY
Weather is cold, with highs in the 30's, lows in the 20's
Delivery was inexplicably delayed, and arrived a full day late

One baby was dead on arrival. Another died overnight (the smallest and least well feathered of the bunch), and this afternoon a healthy and active one suddenly had a seizure and died minutes later.

I purchased from a farm with a great reputation, and the breeder was very upset to learn the chicks arrived late.

What can I do to help my remaining chicks? Every one of them (including those who died) are active, eating/drinking well, and have healthy poos. I'm happy to do whatever is necessary to help them, I just don't know what more to do, as these are apparently healthy birds dying from what I can only surmise is shipping stress. Help?!
I do have them on electrolytes, but I would need to pick up NutriDrench or SavAChic tomorrow morning. Thank you for that suggestion!

Is it common to lose older chicks/adults from the shipping process? I purchased slightly older chicks in the hopes that they would fair better.
Depending on how they were transported, a day extra could have killed them all - I wouldn't consider loosing 2 in connection with the transport much. The active one with the seizure, I wouldn't consider related to the transport. I would guess either something genetic or just bad luck - food, water or bedding in the lungs, hit its head on something..
How many quail chicks did you buy? Do you have a picture of their setup?

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